Highway Use Permit Form - Container or Bin Placement

Bylaw No. 6704-2009

Please allow 5 to 10 business days for processing.

Residents are encouraged to utilize private property for the placement of containers or bins, however, if this cannot be accomplished, a Highway Use Permit may be issued subject to the requirements below.

A Highway Use Permit must be obtained before a container or bin is placed on any roadway or boulevard.

File No.And

Prime Contractor

Principal Contact
On-Site Contact
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Terms and Conditions

This permit shall be valid and subsisting from the start and end dates/times listed above and at all times during the currency thereof, shall be subject to cancellation if the holder thereof shall neglect, fail or refuse to observe and to comply with all the requirements of Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic Bylaw No. 6704-2009, and is issued subject to the following conditions: 

  • That all necessary plans and specifications of any works involved have been deposited with the Permits Department and have been approved
  • That this Permit shall be valid only for the specific works or other uses of a Municipal Highway stated herein. All alterations and additions must be covered by a separate Permit
  • That the construction and maintenance of any works under this Permit shall be carried out and completed to the satisfaction of the City of Maple Ridge
  • That any person appointed by the City of Maple Ridge for that purpose shall have free access at all times to all parts of any works constructed under this Permit for the purpose of inspecting the same
  • That while reasonable care will be taken on the part of the City of Maple Ridge to avoid damage to any private works constructed under this Permit while carrying out the construction or maintenance of any public work in any highway, the City of Maple Ridge accepts no responsibility of any kind for such damage if the same should result from such public work
  • That the Permittee shall save harmless, defend and indemnify the City of Maple Ridge from and against all claims, damages and lien claims of every kind, arising out of or in any way connected with any works or other things for which this Permit is issued
  • That the Permittee, or his contractor if applicable, shall obtain and maintain during the term of this Permit a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the City of Maple Ridge as an additional named insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the City of Maple Ridge. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the City of Maple Ridge prior to the issue of this Permit. The permittee shall disclose the name of the prime contractor
  • That the Permittee shall replace and repair all municipal infrastructure effected by the work and such infrastructure is to be returned to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the work, all within 24 hours of the completed work, to the satisfaction of the City of Maple Ridge
  • That appropriate traffic control practices must be followed as per the Provincial Traffic Control Manual for Works on Roadway 2nd edition, and to the satisfaction of the City of Maple Ridge; That the Permittee MUST notify and abide by all requirements of all emergency services (Police/Fire/Ambulance)
  • That the Permittee shall at all times be responsible for the safety, adequacy, efficiency and sufficiency of his work, his plant, his equipment and his method of executing the work whether by himself or his sub-contractor. His work shall at all times be protected by adequate barricades, signs, flares, fences, lanterns, guards or other such means placed as required and maintained during the work to protect the public and avoid property damage
  • That the Permittee shall comply with the City of Maple Ridge Noise Bylaw No. 5122-1994 during the period of construction
  • That no mud, dirt, earth, soil or debris from the work site shall be permitted to be deposited on Municipal property
  • That the Permittee notify and abide by all requirements of other interest groups, including but not limited to Telus, BC Hydro, Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD), Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks and the Ministry of Transportation
  • That the Permittee shall take extra precaution to insure the safe passage of pedestrians on the sidewalk before, during and after the event
  • That the Permittee shall contact the Municipal Works Inspector to arrange the required inspections
  • That the Sidewalks and Curbs shall be reconstructed to Municipal standards

That the Permittee will deposit with the City of Maple Ridge a sum of $150.00 plus $7.50 GST (Highway Use Permit Fee) with a refundable security deposit based on the extent of the work in cash or cheque, to guarantee the fulfillment by me of the terms and conditions set out herein within the time specified in this permit.

Placement Guidelines:

  • Ensure there is adequate room to place the container/bin at the desired location
  • A minimum of 4.0 metres of unobstructed roadway clearance must be available for emergency vehicle access
  • Containers cannot be place in areas signed with any road restriction
  • The container must not encroach onto traveled lanes, cycle paths, sidewalks, turn around areas, or block access
  • In general, the container must be placed at least 15.0 metres of the approach of or 6.0 metres beyond a crosswalk, 9 metres of the lateral line of an intersecting roadway, 5.0 metres of a fire hydrant and 3.0 metres of any driveway. These dimensions are recommended and are subject to change if deemed necessary for any reason by the City
  • Container shall be placed in such a manner as not to damage any property including but not limited to surfaces


  • All containers must have well-maintained, high-visibility, reflective tape or equivalent
  • If taping is not possible, a reflective delineator is required

Contact the Engineering Department at 604-467-7339 for further information.

Description, drawings or pertinent information indicating the extent of work or activity within the road right-of-way and size of container/bin including dimensions.

Describing any traffic control measures that may be necessary to complete the work, including those involved in off-loading and loading of container.

Copy of $5,000,000 Liability Insurance Policy:

Must have the following statement written in the policy:
"Naming the City of Maple Ridge as an additional insured and providing that the said policy shall not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without 30 days notice in writing to the City."
The policy shall also include a Cross Liability Clause.
Sign above.
Personal information entered on this form is collected under the authority of section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) for the purposes of processing your input. If you have any questions or concerns about how your information will be used, contact the FOI Office by calling 604-466-4300 or by emailing FOI@MapleRidge.ca. For more information about FOIPPA at the city, please visit our Freedom of Information page.