Fire Department Records Request

Fire Department Records Request

Information regarding a fire, motor vehicle accident (“MVA”), or other emergency incident which the City of Maple Ridge Fire Department responded to are available upon request for a fee.

Please complete the Fire Incident Records Request Form to request information related to any emergency incidents.

Submit Fire Incident Records Request Form 

Authorization to Release Form

The City of Maple Ridge generally refrains from including personal information within our incident reports. If you are requesting access to another person's personal information, an Authorization to Release Form must be submitted with the Emergency Incident Records Request Form providing their consent. If this form is not completed, personal information will be severed from all records being provided to you, in accordance with Section 22 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ("FOIPPA"). If you use your own authorization release form template, it must be made out to the City of Maple Ridge with a recent date.

Authorization to Release Information Form 

Request Process

In the event we need to clarify information, please include a contact number and email address. To reduce processing time and additional fees, please ensure your request is clear, concise and focused and that all required fields are completed on the Incident Request Form. Please allow up to 30 business days for processing pursuant to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

If you have any questions in regard to your request, you may contact the FOI Office by calling 604-466-4300 or by emailing  

Fees and Payment

Requests will not be completed until full payment has been received. Fees for locating, retrieving, producing and preparing records (plus applicable taxes):

  • Fire Incident/Investigation Reports (including colour photographs where available): $212.24 per incident
  • MVA/Medical Incident Report: $106.12 per incident

Payment can be made in the following ways:

  • Credit card (American Express/Mastercard/Visa): in person or by phone to the Finance/Tax Counter at 604-467-7316
  • Debit card: in person
  • Cheque payable to “City of Maple Ridge”: mail or drop off at the following address:
    City of Maple Ridge, Attention: Accounts Receivable
    11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9
    (Please include invoice number in reference area)