Municipal Ticket Information (MTI)

When City staff's efforts to obtain voluntary compliance with City bylaws have failed, Bylaw Compliance Officers must decide whether the contravention of a bylaw requires enforcement by issuance of a municipal ticket or whether to Lay an Information in Provincial Court under the BC Offence Act. 

For information and penalties under the Municipal Ticket Information program, please refer to the City of Maple Ridge Municipal Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw.


Submit a completed MTI dispute form. Disputes must be received within fourteen (14) days of the Ticket issued date and must include the MTI number, the reason for dispute and complete contact information (name, address, phone number, email address). 

In order to ensure a consistent and equitable process, the City does not accept ticket disputes over the phone, or while Officers are in the field. 


Options to pay an MTI issued by the City of Maple Ridge are as follows:

  • online with Visa or MasterCard 
  • in person with cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express or debit card at the Bylaw, Licensing & Community Safety Department or at the Property Tax counter
  • over the phone with a Visa, MasterCard or American Express at 604-467-7305 (press 2 for ticket payments)

Dispute & Court process

  • After the dispute has been received, a Screening Officer reviews the details provided by the disputant and the issuing Officer.
  • The Screening Officer will contact the disputant to obtain any further information and communicate whether the Ticket stands or will be waived.
  • If the MTI is waived, no further action is required by the disputant.
  • If the MTI is not waived, the disputant will be required to make payment or confirm that they wish to proceed to Provincial court.
  • Once a Provincial court hearing had been scheduled, the hearing can only be cancelled if the MTI is paid prior to the hearing date.
  • In Person is the only option for a dispute hearing in Provincial court. If the disputant does not attend the hearing, the alleged offender will automatically be found guilty (deemed convicted) and the Ticket must be paid in full immediately.
  • Once a Provincial court date has been scheduled the disputant will receive an adjudication package via mail prior to the hearing date.

Court Hearing process

At the Provincial court hearing, evidence is presented and the Judge or JP will make a ruling on the Ticket. The Judge or JP may not reduce the penalty.

  • If the Judge or JP upholds the MTI, the non-discounted Ticket must be paid in full.
  • If the Judge or JP dismisses the Ticket, the MTI is cancelled and no penalties are assessed.

Bylaw Notice & Tickets FAQs