We advise that all trees located within the road right of way are owned by the City of Maple Ridge and Parks, Recreation & Culture are responsible for the care and maintenance of these street trees. With your assistance our neighbourhoods can be kept green and healthy!
New young trees, surrounded by lawn, benefit the most when a three foot circle of grass is removed and replaced with bark mulch or top soil. This tree circle helps with:
- Moisture retention and root protection.
- If the outside edge is built up slightly, it will act as a wall allowing water to seep down into the roots while hand watering during dry conditions.
- Lawn mowers and grass line trimmers are kept at a distance, protecting the bark from physical damage.
Summer Heat and Tree Watering
During the stretches of hot weather, we would greatly appreciate your help ensuring the survival of street trees in the community - especially the young ones that are most vulnerable! It is beneficial that they receive 15 gallons of water twice a week. We ask for your assistance in watering the trees in the boulevard bordering your home or business.
Methods to Keep Trees Watered During Dry Weather
- A very slow trickle from a garden hose for four hours before 9:00 AM or after 7:00 PM.
- A deep root watering attachments available from most nurseries.
- A five gallon pail with holes drilled in the bottom set under the tree to water slowly.
- A ring of mulch around the tree to keep the water in.