Filming in Maple Ridge (For Everyone)

Maple Ridge - We Film Here

Maple Ridge is emerging as a premier destination for creativity in the Vancouver-Metro region. With notable growth in film production, evolving industry dynamics, changing production compositions, and increasing complexity in projects, our city is becoming a hub for exceptional storytelling like never before. We are not an overnight success; we as a community have been working diligently to optimize our value in a hyper competitive sector. We’re excited to share #MapleRidgeFilm with our local community, current and future partners to celebrate the social, cultural, and economic benefits of the film industry. 

The Maple Ridge Story

Do you remember when you were a kid, perhaps in Grade 2, burying a time capsule filled with keepsakes from your generation for a future one to uncover? That’s how we see film - each production as their own time capsule. When you watch a show from the ’50s, ’70s, or early 2000s, you get a glimpse into the culture, social dynamics, and everyday life of that era. While the film industry is often viewed through an economic lens, at its core, it’s an art form that reflects the spirit and culture of its time; an art form that preserves our community through the passage of time and brings to life stories, characters, and moments that may have never otherwise existed, enhancing and adding to the Maple Ridge culture. 

In that sense, Maple Ridge tells the world’s stories by becoming part of these captured moments, documented in the stories of today. Whether a film is set in another part of the world or a fictional universe, one thing remains constant: it was filmed right here in Maple Ridge for generations to see!