Vegetation & Roadside Mowing

Public Works maintains and controls vegetation within the City of Maple Ridge.

What Can We Help You With Today?

We ensure an effective and scheduled system to make sure vegetation is cut in order to meet safety standards. The Vegetation section is responsible for:

  • Intersection and sight line visibility
  • Roadside mowing and flail cutting

Flail Cutting (Roadside Mowing)

Flail cutting is done along roadsides for safety purposes on defined routes. The roadside is flailed as required to reduce the height of the vegetation to ensure sight lines are maintained 1 m from the edge of the roadway at intersections and driveways. Flail cutting and brushing of vegetation is completed for safety purposes only, not aesthetics.

Generally, Maple Ridge will do one pass on the roadside, starting in the west working eastward to deal with sight line safety. When finished the first pass, the flail mowers will go back to areas requiring subsequent passes for ditch maintenance purposes, again starting in the west and working to the east. Further flailing is done in and around ditches so they can be inspected to reduce blockages. Vegetation growing in the ditch does not necessarily have to be removed, as this is considered in the design and aids in the overall health of the water quality and ecosystem integrity.


Brushing along the road right of ways is done for safety purposes. The right of way is brushed reactively to reduce the height of the vegetation, so sight lines are maintained at intersections and driveways. Further brushing is completed along City owned property with fronting sidewalks for the safety of pedestrians.

Hedges and brush need to be maintained about 1 m from sidewalks to 3 m in height and around 3 m from road edge and 5 m in height. On corners, hedges and brush should not exceed 1.2 m in height or 6 to 25 m in each direction for sight lines and at driveways at least 6 m on either side and 1.2 m in height. Homeowners are to maintain hedges and trees on their property so they don't affect the safety of others. The City cuts brush and hedges, but does not trim them. If the vegetation is on private property, please contact the Bylaws Department by email at or via 604-467-7305.

Boulevard Maintenance Bylaw

Please refer to our Boulevard Maintenance Bylaw for more information regarding the resident's responsibilities maintaining boulevards fronting their property.

Did You Know?

  • The Parks Department receives several calls daily regarding hazardous trees. They will take care of trees on public property as well as road right of ways.
  • For tree removal enquiries on private property, please contact the Planning Department via 604-467-7341.
  • The Parks and Facilities Department also maintain the City street trees. View additional information on street trees.

Contact Us

24-hour Dispatch: 604-463-9581