Backyard Burning


Backyard Fire 

Who Can Burn

When there is no fire ban enacted or air quality advisories, properties located within the "Open to Burning" area on the Interactive Map may burn dry garden refuse from April 15 to May 15 and from October 15 to November 15 with a valid permit.

Who Can Not Burn

Properties located within the "Area Closed to Burning" Interactive Map are not allowed any type of wood burning fires, including open pit campfires or outdoor wood burning appliances, including outdoor stoves and chimineas. Before choosing to burn, please consider the Brush Chipping Program, which the Ridge Meadows Recycling Society coordinates in partnership with the City of Maple Ridge. Advanced registration is not required.

A "backyard fire" is an outdoor fire where garden refuse such as leaves and small branches indigenous to the property are burned for the purpose of disposal due to garden cleanup or damage from high winds. The fire must be located a minimum of 15 metres (50 feet) from structures, property lines and the forest interface.

Fire Ban Update

Getting a Permit

If you do choose to burn, you must apply for a permit from the City

  • Backyard Fire Permits are available online from April 15 to May 15 and then again from October 15 to November 15
  • Permits are $25.00 and can be purchased online or at the City Hall Revenue Services Department (11995 Haney Place). NEW  - Please note the Fire Department is no longer selling permits at the Fire Hall No. 1
  • Anyone who gets a permit MUST, before starting any burning, find out if Metro Vancouver’s ventilation index allows a burn to be started.  This information can be obtained by calling 604-436-6777.  The daily venting index can also be viewed at Provincial Venting index (scroll to Vancouver)
  • The Fire Chief may revoke permits if the lighting of fires in open area may be hazardous due to weather conditions or the ventilation index is less than "good"
  • Fines can be issued by the Bylaw, Licensing & Community Safety department for non-compliance of the city's Outdoor Burning Regulation Bylaw  
  • Contact the Maple Ridge Fire Department at 604-463-5880 for questions regarding burning permits


You must comply with all regulations and restrictions contained in the City's Outdoor Buring Regulation Bylaw, including: 

  • Must be a minimum of 15 metres from any building, structure, overhead wires or cables and forest interface
  • All garden refuse material must be hand piled and the pile must be no larger than 2 metres high and 2 metres in diameter
  • Must have a person 19 years of age or older is, at all times, present at the recreational fire and until the fire is totally extinguished, for the purposes of supervising and extinguishing the fire
  • A water hose, connected to an available water supply and shovel must be present for the duration of the fire and until it is extinguished
  • Outdoor fires must be contained within a pit or permanent walls for the purpose of warmth, cooking or a social gathering

What Can I Burn?

Recreational Fire (Campfire)

“Recreational Fire” is an outdoor fire contained within a pit or permanent walls for the purpose of warmth, cooking or a social gathering.

The property must be located within the area marked “Area Open to Burning”. Check to see if you are permitted to have a Recreational/Camp fire on the interactive map.

Enter your address in the search area and the map will provide your answer.

There is an icon of a campfire above the following definition and regulations: Campfire: Any fire no larger than 0.5 metres high and 0.5 metres wide. Regulations: You must have ready access to 8 litres of water or a shovel for the entire time your campfire is lit. Your campfire must be completely extinguished and the ashes must be cool to the touch before leaving the area for any length of time. (Hot coals can reignite the fire.) You must build a fire guard around your campfire.

The general rules for a Recreational/Camp Fire are as follows; 

No person shall start or maintain a fire:

  • Larger than 0.5 metres in diameter and flame height higher than 0.5 metres.
  • Within fifteen (15) metres of any building, structure, overhead wires or cables.
  • Unless a person nineteen (19) years of age or older is, at all times, present at the recreational fire and until the fire is totally extinguished, for the purposes of supervising and extinguishing the fire.
  • Unless a water hose, connected to an available water supply and shovel is present for the duration of the fire and until it is fully extinguished.

    Click here for a link to the interactive map

Report Burning

Monday to Sunday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, call the City’s Bylaw, Licensing & Community Safety department at 604-467-7305. For complaints outside of these hours, please call the Fire Department "non-emergency" number at 604-463-5880 and follow the voice prompts - Press '1' to speak to a dispatcher who will handle your concern. Thank you for doing your part to maintain a fire-safe community.