Maple Ridge has been fortunate to be the recipient of many prestigious awards over the years:
American Water Works Association (AWWA)
Former Municipal Engineer Andrew Wood received the Distribution and Plant Operations Division Best Paper Award for a paper that he produced titled "Assessment of Water Main Break Data for Asset Management," which was published in the July 2006 issue of Journal AWWA.
Association of Marketing & Communication Professionals
Adam Rieu, who was a Youth Programmer at the time received the Communitas award for Individual Participation in an Organization's Program for his "Worms and Environmental Education and Awareness Program." Communitas is a Latin word that means people "coming together for the good of a community." Communitas is inspired by the vision of a better world and is an attempt to do something about it through volunteerism, investment and ethical, sustainable business practices.
Bicycle Advisory Committee
Received by the Leisure Centre, the 2005 Gold Spoke award in the Business Category was awarded for the design and installation of bicycle parking at the facility.
British Columbia Community Achievement Award
Mike Murray, retired General Manager: Community Development, Parks & Recreation Services received this award, which celebrates British Columbians who go above and beyond in their dedication and service to others and who devote time and energy to making their communities more caring, dynamic, beautiful, healthy and unique.
British Columbia Fire Service
Assistant Chief Howard Exner received the Training Achievement Award. This award is based on the impact of the training achievement beyond the individual's department / organization, extent of the individual's personal involvement in the work, demonstrated initiative, creativity, quality and dedication.
British Columbia Landscape & Nursery Association
The Environmental Stewardship Award was received for the Community Ecosystem Restoration Initiative, which is a program developed jointly by the City of Maple Ridge and Ecosystem Restoration Associates, directing millions of dollars in urban forest benefits at minimal or no cost to the local taxpayer.
British Columbia Municipal Safety Association & Worksafe British Columbia
Maple Ridge was presented with a Certificate of Recognition for Occupational Health and Safety by the British Columbia Municipal Safety Association and Worksafe British Columbia. The certificate reads: "The City of Maple Ridge is recognized for having developed, implemented and successfully audited a health and safety management system that meets the approved industry standards, and for demonstrating a continuous commitment to raising the standard of worker health and safety in local government."
British Columbia Parks & Recreation Association (BCRPA )
The BCRPA Facility Excellence Award was given to the Greg Moore Youth Centre. This award recognizes excellence in facility concept, design development, maintenance or operation. Award winners demonstrate outstanding innovation that has made, or could make, significant impact in the Recreation and Parks field.
Canadian Association of Certified Planning Technicians (CACPT)
Ann Edwards, on behalf of the City of Maple Ridge, received the Merit Award for Municipal Employer of the Year. This award recognizes excellence by Planning Technicians and is an opportunity for CACPT to highlight the specialized skills and abilities of our members, as well as promote the fact that they are working across Canada in both the private and public sectors in a variety of settings.
Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) / Motorola®
CACP / Motorola® Excellence in Emergency Preparedness Award was given to the City of Maple Ridge and the City of Pitt Meadows by a committee of representatives from the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs, the Emergency Medical Services Chiefs of Canada and the CACP. The CACP/Motorola Excellence in Emergency Preparedness Award was presented for the communities' joint Evacuation Plan that incorporates the use of GIS technology, which will enable emergency responders to evacuate citizens in a timely manner.
Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators
- Willis Award for Innovation demonstrated for our Open Government Portal. “The true innovation of the platform lives in the values on which it was built: increasing community engagement, promoting transparency, and gaining business value from data," said the panel of judges.
- Professional Development Award for the Business Administration Diploma Program for staff. The program educates and engages employees, provides opportunities for advancement and helps to complete municipal projects.
- Education Award for the Emergency Social Services Exercise Design Workbook, which is a complete and comprehensive "how-to manual" containing step-by-step instructions for the development of five different types of emergency exercises: orientation, drill, tabletop, functional and full scale.
- Education Award for the highly participative Business and Financial Planning Model that involves input from citizens, employees and Council, ensuring that priorities are carefully mapped and planned out. It was noted at the conference that the award-winning practices of Maple Ridge could make a difference in communities right across the country.
- Environmental Award in recognition of the innovative Watershed Mapping and Information Management Project initiated by the City's Planning Department.
- Workplace Literacy and Learning Award, in the Organizational Commitment to Creating a Positive Learning Culture for All Employees category, honours towns and cities that have shown leadership by promoting lifelong learning in the workplace.
Canadian Contractor
Maple Ridge was named one of the Top Five Most Renovator-Friendly Cities in Canada by Canadian Contractor magazine (March / February 2009), Canada's leading authority for renovation and building professionals. Maple Ridge is the only city in British Columbia to be recognized by the Canadian Contractor ranking.
Canadian Home Builders Association
Maple Ridge received a Certificate of Recognition Award in support of the Portrait Homes Development, winners of the provincial Golden Georgie for innovative and superior construction / development.
Canadian Institute of Planners
The Canadian Institute of Planners awarded the City of Maple Ridge an Award for Planning Excellence (2009) in the City Planning category for the Maple Ridge Town Centre Area Plan. The area plan was chosen for the award out of over 40submissions from across Canada.
Canadian Society of Safety Engineers and WorkSafe BC
Maple Ridge was recognized with a 'Honourable Mention Award' from the Canadian Society of Safety Engineers and WorkSafeBC for the category under Regional Government/Cities/Municipalities. The City was recognized for excellence, professionalism and expertise in occupational health and safety for our participation in a series of activities related to safety during NAOSH week in a creative way that showcased our commitment to safety.
Communities of Bloom
Maple Ridge won a 5-Bloom Silver Award for our Urban Forestry Management Plan.
Community Energy Association
The Corporate Operations Award from the Community Energy Association's 2010 Energy and Climate Action Awards for energy efficiency upgrades to the Maple Ridge Leisure Centre and an innovative approach to information technology (IT) services.
Economic Development Association of British Columbia
The 2012 Economic Development Project of the Year Award for the Town Centre Investment Incentive Project.
Fraser Basin Council
The Sustainability Award for being one of the top five environmental leaders in recognition of the Stream Mapping Project.
Government Finance Officers Association
- Canadian Award for Financial Reporting (2017) - In order to receive this award, a government unit must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized annual financial report, whose contents conform to program standards. Such reports should go beyond the minimum requirements of generally accepted accounting principles and demonstrate an effort to clearly communicate the municipal government's financial picture, enhance an understanding of financial reporting by municipal governments and address user needs. This is the City's 28th consecutive award.
- Distinguished Budget Presentation Award (2018) - In order to receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, as an operations guide, as a financial plan and as a communications device. A Special Performance Measures Recognition was received for the 2018-2022 budget document. This is the City's 15th award.
- Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting (2017) - In order to receive this award, a government unit must publish a Popular Annual Financial Report, whose contents conform to program standards creativity, presentation, understand ability and reader appeal. This is the City's 21tst consecutive award.
- Outstanding Performance / Achievement Award - The award recognizes Maple Ridge having been awarded the Canadian Award for Financial Reporting for 10 consecutive years. Jacob Sorba, Director of Finance, was the first recipient.
Heritage Commission
The Heritage Landscape Award to Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services for the Maple Ridge Golf Course at 20818 Golf Lane.
Hermes Creative Awards
Hermes Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals involved in the concept, writing and design of traditional and emerging media that recognizes outstanding work in the industry. Judges are industry professionals who look for companies and individuals whose talent exceeds a high standard of excellence and whose work serves as a benchmark for the industry.
Platinum Awards are presented to those entries judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals to be among the most outstanding entries in the competition.
- 2011, 2010, 2008, 2007 Citizens Report
Gold Award winners are judged to exceed the high standards of the industry norm.
- 2018, 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 Citizens Report
- 2014 Business START Program (Advertising Campaign)
- Invest North Fraser (Integrated Marketing Campaign) for 2012
- Town Centre Investment Incentive Program - Launched in 2011, the Town Centre Investment Incentive Program was developed to encourage and accelerate private sector investment in Maple Ridge's Town Centre
- 'Vote - It's Important' Initiative - In 2008, Maple Ridge joined forces with neighbouring communities to pursue a more vigorous media campaign and bombarded the public in a more aggressive manner with reference to their rights and responsibilities to vote, with the ultimate goal of increasing voter participation
HUB Cycling
HUB, a cycling advocacy organization located throughout BC, has an annual recognition awards program and the City is the proud recipient of the Biggest Leap Award for 2016. This award is presented to a company, individual, school or municipality that has made a substantial change to help increase the number of people on bikes. This year, the award was presented to the City for their commitment in delivering bike education for grade five, six and seven students in ten elementary schools. Maple Ridge went from no bike education courses in 2014, to one pilot program in 2015, to fully supporting bike education in 2016.
The Run Smarter Award for our work in records management. Laserfiche honours organizations that use Laserfiche to improve their productivity, processes and overall results.
Maple Ridge 2003 Santa Claus Parade
The Grinch and Yo-Yo, along with volunteers from CUPE 622 along with the City of Maple Ridge, netted first prize Overall Crowd Favourite and Best Mascot.
MarCom Awards
The MarCom Awards is an international competition for marketing and communication professionals involved in the concept, writing and design of marketing and communication programs and print, visual and audio materials. The competition has grown to perhaps the largest of its kind in the world. There are almost 5,000 entries from several countries around the world. Judges are industry professionals who look for companies and individuals whose talent exceeds a high standard of excellence and whose work serves as a benchmark for the industry.
Platinum Awards are presented to those entries judged to be among the most outstanding entries in the competition and these winners are recognized for their excellence in terms of quality, creativity and resourcefulness.
- 2015, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2008 Citizens Report
- Marketing/Promotion Campaign/Special Event for REIN Western Canada Field Trip, May 13, 2011
- Downtown Enhancement Project Communications Plan
Gold Awards are presented to those entries judged to exceed the high standards of the industry norm.
- 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2010, 2007 Citizens Report
- True North Fraser Campaign
- Invest North Fraser Campaign
- Invest Maple Ridge Campaign
- 'Vote - It's Important' Initiative
Honourable Mention Certificates are granted to those entries that meet the expectations of judges.
- businessSTART Program Campaign
- Town Centre Investment Incentive Program
- Invest North Fraser campaign
Metro Vancouver Chapter of the Commercial Real Estate Development Association (NAIOP)
The NAIOP Commercial Real Estate Development Association awarded the City of Maple Ridge "Most Business Friendly Municipality" for three consecutive years (2015, 2016 and 2017).
Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues (MACAI)
We received an Accessibility Award to the Maple Ridge Leisure Centre for their commitment to making the centre welcoming and accessible for all individuals. MACAI recognizes businesses and individuals who make an outstanding effort to support individuals with disabilities.
Provincial Youth Week Award
Our Youth Council (both in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows) won this award which is given to individuals or groups in recognition of their outstanding community service.
Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
Mayor Daykin was selected to receive a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in honour of the contributions he has made to our community. The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) chose Mayor Daykin to receive this distinction for his exemplary efforts to make our community a great place to live. The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal honours significant contributions and achievements by Canadians. During the year, 60,000 deserving Canadians will be recognized. The medal was created by the government of Canada to mark Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's 60 years of service to this country.
Real Estate Investment Network
- #5 Top Canadian Investment City - a distinction the City has earned since 2003.
- #2 Top British Columbia Investment Town and the place to live for lifestyle - a distinction the City has earned for six consecutive years based on key economic fundamentals.
Smart Growth on the Ground
Maple Ridge was the first community in British Columbia to engage in the Smart Growth on the Ground program in partnership with the Design Centre for Sustainability at the University of British Columbia, the Real Estate Institute of British Columbia and Smart Growth British Columbia. The program has led to substantial policy and regulatory changes in support of a sustainable downtown area in Maple Ridge. We received the Smarty Award in April of 2009.
Society for Children and Youth of British Columbia
The Child and Youth Friendly National Award was jointly awarded to Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. This award recognizes communities and groups who improve the safety and well-being of children. The project promotes children and youth-friendly communities through motivating and supporting community-based action in an effort to make changes in attitudes, physical environment and policy environment.
Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM)
The UBCM Community Excellence Awards Program encourages local governments to showcase best practices that rise above others with vision, creativity and teamwork, and that furthermore can be a model for other municipalities.
- Best Practices, Honourable Mention Social Media for the approach taken to inform citizens about the issues relating to the 2012 Spring Freshet
- Best Practices, Website Award for having produced an outstanding website and demonstration of leadership and innovation
- Best Practices, Annual Reporting Award for having produced an outstanding 2003 Citizens Report
United Way
Maple Ridge received the much-coveted Award of Excellence because 2011 was the eighth consecutive year that the City's employee campaign achieved United Way "Gold" status. Maple Ridge is proud to announce that employees raised over $30,000 during the 2011 United Way fund-raising effort.
VIATec Technology
Online Strategy of the Year Award was given to the City for the website, which was recognized for the creative usability, innovative design and results achieved from the underlying communication strategy.