Procurement staff provide an effective and efficient service to departments, while maintaining a high standard of internal control. They are responsible for securing, through generally accepted public and professional procurement practices, goods and services required by the City of Maple Ridge.
City of Maple Ridge prides itself on its efficient and principled procurement service. Priorities include:
Fair and transparent procurement processes.
Compliance with policy and regulatory requirements.
Open competition wherever appropriate.
Easy access to bid documents.
Development of plain language contracts and tender documents.
Contribution to sustainability through elimination of unnecessary printing, use of environmental standards, etc.
Maintenance of respectful and responsive working relationships with internal clients, suppliers, contractors and consultants.
Bid Opportunities
Maple Ridge’s bid opportunities are posted on the BC Bid website. Bid opportunities, addenda and award information posted before February 7, 2022 is available for download from BC Bid.
Bid Submissions
All bids are accepted through the City’s online bidding site bids&tenders at no charge to vendors. To submit bids, sign up as a registered vendor today.
Bid opportunities, addenda and award information posted on or after February 7, 2022 is available on Maple Ridge bids&tenders Homepage.
Questions & Answers
We don't maintain a bidders list. Check bids&tenders instead for all of Maple Ridge's posted bid opportunities which may include Requests for Qualifications.
Yes, we advertise our competitions publicly on BC Bid. The bid documents are available for downloading directly from bids&tenders.
We don't accept hard copy submissions. All submissions must be provided electronically through bids&tenders.
No. You don't need a City of Maple Ridge business licence to bid, but you may need one to do business with us; view our business licence requirements.
Yes. All firms doing work on City premises must have WorkSafe BC clearance and the appropriate insurance coverage as outlined below.
A valid Maple Ridge business licence is mandatory for a contractor or service company conducting business on City properties. Proof of the following may also be required of all service contracts:
a Worker's Compensation number and a clearance letter from the Worker's Compensation Board indicating that your company is active and in good standing with Workers Compensation;
minimum $5,000,000.00 general liability insurance, with the City of Maple Ridge added as additional insured;
minimum $2,000,000.00 professional liability insurance;
Federal, Provincial or Municipal permits when and where applicable.
Maple Ridge requires contractors to wear suitable identification, be aware of the Occupational Health and Safety Standards and familiarize themselves with the City of Maple Ridge's Contractor Safety Coordination Program as it applies to the specific scope of each requested service.
The City prefers to pay via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). If you are a new vendor to the City and would like to enroll to receive EFT direct deposit payments, please complete the Accounts Payable Direct Deposit Enrollment Form.
In some cases, authorized City Staff may make small purchases on their City-assigned credit card.
Business Finder is an online mapping service, designed to visually display business license information.
Your feedback is always important to us. If you have any comments that indicate what worked well for you or what we might need to improve upon, please contact our Procurement Department at