Explore Maple Ridge Dog Parks with your Four-Legged Friend
Let's keep our dog parks fun, clean and safe for all! Remember that dogs must be kept on a leash in all park areas except in areas designated and signed as off-leash. Dog owners are required to pick up after their pets and to dispose of their waste responsibly.
Scroll down for some interesting facts about dogs in Maple Ridge and for Off-Leash Dog Parks.

Animal Control Service Changes
Please note the following changes to animal control services in Maple Ridge due to service level changes at the BC SPCA Maple Ridge.
Residents are advised to contact the City about the following matters at 604-467-7305 or reporting online at mapleridge.ca/report
- responsible dog ownership education
- concerns such as barking dogs, dog bites and dog attacks
- assistance with stray animals
- removing dead animals from streets or public areas
- dog licensing
To report animals in distress, please contact the BC SPCA Animal Hotline at 1-855-622-7722.