Industry Resources & Fees

Maple Ridge wants you to film in our community so we have made it as accessible as possible.

Electrified Film Kiosk

We're pleased to announce that our all-new Electrified Film Kiosk at the Port Haney Rail Lot is now active and will now power film productions for years to come. Maple Ridge is the only municipal location outside of Vancouver to construct one of it's kind for the film industry.

The investment into this resource is meant to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions coming from generators used in central areas where trucks, gear, talent trailers, and other items are parked. Maple Ridge is interested in enabling a competitive environment for the film industry recognizing there is growing interest and motivation to decrease emissions over time.

Filming Fees in Maple Ridge

Production Levels

Level 1Independent Level 1, Still Photography, Student Filming
Level 2Move of the Week, Independent Level 2, TV Series, Commercial
Level 3Feature Film, TV Series Level 2

Affordable Film Production - Fees Effective January, 2024


  1. If no new rate is identified, the most recently stated rate will continue to be applied.
  2. All fees are exclusive of tax, which will be added, if applicable.