Water Service Connections

From leaks to renovations, there are many reasons one may need know about their water service connection.

Did You Know There Are Two Forms of Water Leaks?

Municipal Side Leak

The service connection between the City of Maple Ridge watermain and the owner's property line is the property of the City. The repair of any leaks in this section is the responsibility of the City. For most residences there is a shut-off or meter box at the property line which is also the property and responsibility of the City.

Private Side Leak

The connection between the owner's property line and house is the resident's property. This is the responsibility of the owner to maintain and repair if a leak or break occurs.

Detecting Water Leaks

Need Help Locating Your Water Service Connection?

To locate the water service connection at the property line, please call Public Works. The approximate location of the water shut-off will be given to the caller. In addition, a request can be made for the Waterworks section to assist in locating a difficult to find water shut-off.

Water Shut-Off Keys

Effective January 1, 2018 water shut-off keys are no longer available for rent. Please call Public Works-Operations at 604-463-9581 for water shut off requests. 

Contact Us

24 Hour Dispatch: 604-463-9581
Email: OperationsCentre@MapleRidge.ca