Community Planning is responsible for zoning and Official Community Plan policy review and development, as well as for providing professional support and advice to Council, committees of Council, members of the public, community groups, community agencies and independent consultants.
Community Planning is involved in the creation and review of the Official Community Plan and neighbourhood plans, the review of bylaws related to development, and staff participate in Greater Vancouver Regional District committees as needed.
Community Planners also provide the policy direction and research capabilities for the department and provide support to the Councils Advisory Committees.
An Official Community Plan (OCP) is one of the City's most important tools. It helps influence the way our community grows and develops by guiding how land can be used. Land use and development influence all parts of our daily lives: where we live, work and play. The Official Community Plan outlines the long term vision for growth and development in Maple Ridge. The Official Community Plan is a living document and is updated as our City grows.
An Official Community Plan is a general guide for land use within the municipality. Local Area Plans, which make up part of the Official Community Plan, focus on specific areas and their unique context to provide a greater level of detail for land use, density, form, character and the pacing of development. An area plan can apply to a group of neighbourhoods, a single neighbourhood or entire designated areas. It may guide the development of new communities or the redevelopment of existing ones.
There are also Area Concept Plans that have been endorsed by Council. However, until an Area Plan has been adopted as part of the Official Community Plan, the Concept Plan is used as a guide to direct land use within the area.
Area Concept Plans are the early forms of Area Plans. Area Concept Plans are endorsed by Council. The planning processes underway are looking at how we want to live, work, play, and ultimately grow, into these areas. Should these plans be adopted, it will form part of the Official Community Plan (OCP).
Planning Projects
For a listing of all planned, current and completed Planning projects, visit our City Projects page.