Parking Regulations

The City of Maple Ridge manages parking to balance the needs of residents, motorists and visitors.

Parking regulations help keep on-street parking available for everyone and ensure the safe and efficient movement of pedestrians, cyclists, public transit and motorists in Maple Ridge. The Highway and Traffic Bylaw outlines parking rules and regulations in the City of Maple Ridge.

Overview of Parking Regulations

The information below is considered a general overview only. If any information differs from city bylaws, the BC Motor Vehicle Act and Maple Ridge’s Highway and Traffic Bylaw shall take precedence.

How to Change a Parking Regulation 

If you would like to have a parking regulation reviewed or changed, please contact the City’s Engineering Department via email at or phone at 604-467-7339. 

Street Parking

Street parking is available on a first come, first served basis. The street is open to the public and anybody may legally park on a residential street unless posted otherwise. As per our current Highway and Traffic Bylaw, no vehicle may remain parked in the same location on a public street for more than 72 hours.

Parking Near Driveways

In Maple Ridge, vehicles must not park within 3 metres (9 ft) of a driveway. To lodge a complaint, contact the City's Bylaw, Licensing & Community Safety Department with a description (including license plate) of the problem vehicle. Please note that anonymous complaints are not accepted.