Snow Removal

The City maintains 500 km of roadways and monitors weather conditions over the winter to ensure our streets are clear and safe to navigate. When snow and icy conditions are forecast, crews and equipment are dispatched to treat and clear roads on a priority basis. We appreciate your patience and support.

A stylized graphic of City snow plow clearing a street on a snowy day.

What Streets Are Plowed In Maple Ridge?

Maple Ridge has been divided into seven zones with primary and secondary snow clearing routes. Heavy equipment, plows and salting trucks are dispatched to these routes before and during expected snowfalls to salt the road and clear snow accumulations to keep main arterial roads as clear as possible.

Primary routes have been developed based on priority criteria including access to emergency service facilities, main transit routes, high traffic volume, and roads / bridges with exclusive access to large neighbourhoods. Crews will clear primary routes until the snow stops falling, then begin clearing snow along secondary routes where access to schools and other public facilities is essential. Check out our zone maps to review primary and secondary snow clearing routes in your area.

See Tips on How to Be Winter Ready

See Progress With Our Snowplow Tracker Map

The City has developed a Snow Plow Tracker app that shares data from transponders on our snow clearing vehicles. During a snowfall event this data is made live on our snow route map so you can follow our progress through the community. Locations may be approximate and vehicles may move along previously completed routes as they replenish fuel, salt, sand and brine from our operations centre. 

A graphic of a dump truck with a plow attachment, filled with snow next to a phone showing the Show Plow Tracker Map.

Who Is Responsible For Snow Clearing?

As one city, it is everyone's job to help ensure roads, facilities, and sidewalks are clear after a major snow event. We’ll lead the way—here's how others can help!

City of Maple Ridge 

We focus on primary snow clearing routes including streets with access to emergency service facilities, main transit routes, high traffic volume, and roads / bridges with exclusive access to large neighbourhoods.

A stylized graphic of a worker shoveling snow next to a City plow truck.

BC Government and Translink

Provincial Highways such as Lougheed Highway, Golden Ears Way up to 210 Street and the Golden Ear Bridge are cleared by Translink and Provincial contractors. They coordinate snow removal and salting for the zone that runs from Boundary Road in Burnaby to Stave Falls in Mission. TransLink contractors phase in additional snow-clearing equipment based on weather forecasts and emerging weather conditions. They work continuously while the snow is falling.

A stylized graphic of a provincial plow sitting next to a blank green road sign on a snowy day.

School District

School District 42 clears snow in Maple Ridge school facilities, parking lots, and sidewalks.

A stylized graphic of a school covered in snow.


Businesses are responsible for clearing snow in parking lots, business entrances, and along adjacent sidewalks.

A stylized graphic of a snow covered street.


Maple Ridge residents are responsible for clearing sidewalks in front of their homes or properties. If you can help your neighbours out too—even better!

A stylized graphic of two individuals clearing a snow-laden driveway.

How You Can Help: Snow Angel Program

The "Snow Angel" program is all about neighbours helping neighbours. The key to building a strong community starts on your street and with the people that live around you. Being a "Snow Angel" means helping your neighbours keep walkways clear or even running errands. Getting around in the snow can be quite difficult for the elderly, or those who have mobility or other health issues. Spread the word up and down your street to help each other out!

Contact Us

Report A Concern
24-hour Dispatch: 604-463-9581