City of Maple Ridge Reminds Residents to Be Bear Aware and Safe

Bear graphic

Maple Ridge, B.C., June 13, 2024  – With the weather warming and increased reports of bear sightings, the City of Maple Ridge reminds the community to be bear-aware and safe.  

Residents are reminded to ensure that attractants, such as garbage, bird feeders, outdoor pet food, and fallen fruit, are inaccessible to bears, raccoons, and other wildlife to reduce the risk of potential safety conflicts.  

"Our community is fortunate to be surrounded by natural beauty with diverse wildlife, and our goal is to ensure we coexist safely,” said Michelle Adams, the City’s Director of Bylaw, Licensing and Community Safety. “We are taking proactive steps and encouraging residents to do their part to reduce attractants to help keep our community safe and protect our bear population.” 

The City collaborates with the Conservation Officer Service and WildSafeBC to provide education and enforce regulations on wildlife attractants. City Bylaw Services staff educate residents on how to reduce wildlife attractants and prevent human and bear conflicts. 

Here are some ways residents can do their part to keep bears, other wildlife and residents safe. 

  • Secure Garbage: Store garbage in wildlife-resistant containers or a secure building. Place garbage carts out no earlier than 5:00 a.m. and remove by 7:00 p.m. on collection day.  
  • Remove Bird Feeders: Take down bird feeders during bear season (April to November) 
  • Manage Compost Properly: Use bear-proof composters and avoid adding meat, fish, or cooked food scraps to your compost. Freeze smelly garbage until collection day 
  • Clean BBQs: After each use, thoroughly clean your BBQ to remove food residue and grease 
  • Feed Pets Indoors: Do not leave pet food outside, and feed pets indoors 
  • Secure Beehives and Livestock: Use fencing to protect beehives, chicken coops, and other small livestock. 
  • Fruit trees: Pick ripened fruit from trees and vines immediately 

Residents are advised to report any wildlife-human interactions where public safety may be at risk to the BC Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277 or at

The City's Wildlife and Vector Control Bylaw aims to reduce human/wildlife interactions and ensure wildlife protection and public safety. Those found contravening this bylaw can be issued daily fines ranging from $100 to $500.  For more information on bear safety and to access additional resources, visit or contact

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For additional information, contact 

Michelle Adams, Director of Bylaw, Licensing and Community Safety 
T 604 467 7370 E