Private Developer Collection

The Private Developer Public Art Program's purpose is to encourage livability and quality of life by enhancing public spaces in Maple Ridge through private sector development.

This voluntary program encourages and gives developers choices for the integration of permanent public artwork in the community as part of the development review process, including, but not limited to the rezoning of land and issuance of development permits in collaboration with artists, design professionals and the community.  

Public art is defined as original, site specific artwork in public and/or private spaces/places that is selected through a process that involves the Public Art Steering Committee, developer's representative, City staff and/or consultant.  It is accessible physically or visually to the public and can be stand-alone or integrated into the overall design.

Once the commissioning process is completed, the artwork is owned and maintained by the townhouse/condominium/business community for the development application.  

More information about the Private Developer Public Art Program is available through Planning and Recreation Services staff.