Heritage Inventory & Register

Maple Ridge is host to many properties and buildings of local cultural significance. The page below explains some of the ways these heritage grounds are stewarded, and what protections the various categories does or does not endow upon them.

Heritage Inventory

Listing a property, natural feature, landscape, etc. on the Heritage Resources of Maple Ridge (aka Heritage Inventory) does not provide any legal protection for the heritage resource. Property owners are able to make alterations to the interior and exterior without a Heritage Alteration Permit (building permits may apply) and are able to apply for demolition of a building. Properties on the Heritage Inventory are eligible for:

  • Additions to the Maple Ridge Community Heritage Register;
  • A negotiated Heritage Revitalization Agreement; and/or
  • A Municipal Heritage Designation;

The list of properties on the Heritage Inventory can be found here: 

2018 Heritage Inventory  

If you are interested in adding a property to the Heritage Inventory or would like to correct information within the document, please contact the Planning Department at planning@mapleridge.ca or 604-467-7341

Heritage Register

The inclusion of a property on a Community Heritage Register is not the same as heritage protection, but provides slightly more protection than a property identified on the Heritage Inventory.

A building or structure that is listed on a Community Heritage Register can only be protected by other means, such as a heritage designation bylaw, heritage revitalization agreement, or heritage conservation covenant. If a property is only listed on a Community Heritage Register and has no other associated bylaw or agreement, the owner may redevelop the site or make alterations to the building, provided that these changes are within the limitations of other bylaws and regulations. 

If a demolition is proposed for a building or structure on Maple Ridge's Community Heritage Register, the City can place an order for temporary protection for up to 60 days and/or withhold the demolition permit until all other approvals (e.g., a building permit for a new building) are in order. During this time, the site can be evaluated and documented, and discussions can take place with the owner regarding possible alternatives to demolition. The listing of a property on a Community Heritage Register cannot prevent its demolition. A local government can only prohibit demolition if the property is legally protected through bylaw or agreement.

Advantages of being on the Heritage Register include eligibility for special provisions in the B.C. Building Code and the Homeowner Protection Act. 

To add your property to the Heritage Register, below are the following steps:

  • Contact the Planning Department at planning@mapleridge.ca or 604-467-7341
  • Prepare a Statement of Significance (reasons why the property is considered to have heritage value or character)
  • Staff brings a report to Council seeking addition to the Heritage Register
  • Should Council wish to add the property to the Heritage Register, Council may pass a motion at the meeting.

For a list of past Heritage Registers and Council reports, please see below the current list of properties on the Heritage Register.

Past Heritage Registers

2008 Heritage Register

2004 Heritage Register

Recent Council Reports

January 29, 2019 Council Workshop - Heritage Register Update


If you have questions or are looking for more information, please contact heritage@mapleridge.ca or 604-467-7341.