In Maple Ridge, development of each year’s business plan and budget is a multi-stage process that includes all City service areas, staff, Council, and the community.
All City services and programs are funded through an annual budget, which is part of a five-year Financial Plan.
The City's Business Planning process links Council's vision to budgets and business plans to make sure our efforts align with Council direction. Regular performance reporting is a key part of this process, holding the City accountable to citizens, businesses, and community groups.
The process may be adjusted year to year to fit current circumstances.
About the Financial Plan
Through the Financial Plan, the City forecasts the resources, revenues and expenditures required to deliver services over the next five years.
The annual budget forms the first year of the plan, while the following years are a guideline based on the various City long-term plans and strategies.
Business Planning
Business planning typically kicks off the annual budget development process, starting in the summer of each year. As part of this work:
- Service areas develop multi-year work plans – with a focus on the coming year – that outline their planned programs and services and how they align with the City’s plans and strategies.
- Employees prepare individual performance plans that link their work to their department’s objectives.
- The business plans are presented to Council as part of each year’s budget development process.
The Process
The business planning process in place today is the result of many years of in-house development, feedback, enhancement and improvement, involving elected officials, management, union officials and front-line staff. The program's longevity is a testament to its continued ability to provide value to citizens, customers, Council and staff and is considered a best practice within local government organizations.
2024 Budget Process
The process for developing the 2024 Budget included an extra step due to the development of the 2023-2026 Council Strategic Plan, adopted in May 2023 following public consultation.
Based on the Council Strategic Plan, the City developed a set of performance measures known as Objectives and Key Results (OKR), which enable the organization to deliver on the Strategic Priorities with clear outcomes and timelines.
The OKR framework is guiding the development of the City’s proposed 2024 strategic work plan and five-year Financial Plan.
B.C.’s Community Charter requires that Council adopt a five-year Financial Plan each year prior to adopting the annual property tax bylaw. The purpose of the Financial Plan is to provide a budgetary framework for the City to plan and manage its resources, revenues and expenditures in order to best serve the community. The first year of the Plan forms the annual budget, while the following years provide a guideline, incorporating the City's various long-term plans and strategies.
Strategic Alignment
Throughout summer and early fall, service areas develop multi-year operating plans that directly support Council's strategic direction. Employees prepare individual performance plans linking their work plans to the department's objectives. The cascading effect through all levels of the organization provides the strategic alignment critical to achieving the community vision in the most effective and efficient manner.
Deliberating Financial Plans
In December, Council deliberates on the following year's five-year financial plan. These sessions are open to the public and there are several opportunities for citizens to speak to Council. If you missed any of our live streams you can view all of the meetings online.
Financial Reporting
In addition to our annual financial planning, the City also completes an annual review of our past year, including Audited Financial Statements. There are a number of reports that might be of interest to you. They include the Annual Report (above), which is a very detailed analysis of the previous year's work, the Citizens Report (below), which is a more 'reader friendly' review of the previous year which includes program highlights and the full financial statements and the Statement of Financial Information Report (below), which outlines key expenditures of the City.
Purpose of Business Planning
Our business planning process provides a framework that links Council's vision for the community to budgets and work plans and ensures a consistent strategic direction. It also provides a solid foundation for making decisions regarding programs and services, as well as for allocating resources in a manner consistent with that direction. It helps to ensure that the programs and services offered by the City of Maple Ridge provide value for dollar and are responsive to our citizens and customers, an increasingly challenging task in a growing community in an era of increased downloading from senior governments.
Budget Public Engagement
Maple Ridge engages the public in the budget process in multiple ways:
- The community is consulted in the development of major plans and strategies that guide the budget process.
- Residents and other interested parties are invited to comment during a designated public engagement period for each budget.
- Council discusses the budget and adopts the related bylaws in open Council meetings, which include a public question period. (Meetings are livestreamed on Maple Ridge’s YouTube channel, and more information can be found on our Council Meetings page.)
Any Time Input
We invite citizens and stakeholders each year to provide comments on the Financial Plan. The first and recommended opportunity comes in the spring, when Council considers guidelines that will direct staff in the preparation of the Financial Plan. The second opportunity is in late fall when Council formally considers the proposed Financial Plan. In addition, your comments and questions are welcome any time of year.
Budget Feedback
- Email:
- Facebook or X feeds @YourMapleRidge using #BudgetMR
- Budget Hotline: 604-467-7484 (voice mail)
- In writing, addressed to:
Trevor Thompson
Chief Financial Officer
City of Maple Ridge
11995 Haney Place
Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9