All land has a zoning classification, which corresponds with the uses and building regulations permitted on the property.
Video Series
What is RS-1 Zoning?
The RS-1 zone is a residential zone that allows a primary use of a single detached home and a secondary use, such as a detached garden suite or secondary suite, and workshop/shed/detached garage. The RS-1 zone has a minimum lot size of 668 m2 (7,190 ft2) and was a widely used zone after World War II through to the early 2000's for development of urban single detached houses. Today, the RS-1 zone minimum lot size is considered quite sizable for a single detached housing form and is one of the largest urban single detached zones in the City's Zoning Bylaw.
What is the Purpose of the Infill Development Options Work?
Through this review, the Planning Department is exploring three changes to the RS-1 Single Detached Residential Zone:
- Accelerated approval process for duplexes
- Accelerated approval process for 371 m2/4,000 ft2 lots
- Setting a maximum buildable area for brand new home
- Construction on RS-1 zoned lots
Why are We Doing This?
The City is exploring these changes to the RS-1 zone to both regulate the construction of new homes and permit a broader range of uses that contribute to housing choice, which aligns with the City's Housing Action Plan. The aim of this zoning review includes the following desired outcomes:
- Create improved compatibility with new construction and existing housing stock;
- Allow for modest density increase and expanded range of housing forms within existing single-detached neighbourhoods;
- Locate new housing units in proximity to existing under capacity schools and transit service;
- Reduce and streamline infill development approval time; and
- Provide an additional funding stream for neighbourhood amenities.
What Steps is the City Taking?
This work is happening in three defined steps that kicked off in June 2022.
What Changes are the City Exploring?
Check back here for virtual presentations.
Where are RS-1 Neighbourhoods Located?
RS-1 neighbourhoods are generally those developed in the 1960's, 70's, 80's and 90's decades, which corresponds with the neighbourhoods of Hammond, West Maple Ridge (west of 222 Street), the Town Centre and Central Maple Ridge, as well as the Smith neighbourhood around Blue Mountain Elementary School.
Feedback Opportunities
A virtual Q&A session with Planning, Building and Engineering staff took place on Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 7:00 pm. Our public survey closed on October 14, 2022.
Want to Connect Directly?
Please contact Adam Rieu at 604-466-4349 or arieu@mapleridge.ca.
Other Recent Housing Projects in Maple Ridge
In addition to the Housing Action Plan, the City completed a Housing Needs Report which was endorsed by Council during the February 9, 2021 Council Workshop Meeting. The Report outcomes are providing the City with a better understanding of our current and future housing needs and is being utilized as a foundation for planning and decision-making for the next five years.
Housing for families and seniors are two key areas of local need identified through the assessment that the RS-1 zone review seeks to address. Maple Ridge has limited housing diversity, and over half of the City's housing units are single-detached dwellings. Over the 2006-2016 time period, when considering residential units by bedroom type, the data indicates an increase in the proportion of very large units (4+bedrooms) and smaller units(1-bedroom). Additionally, the City's aging population needs appropriate housing that is both accessible and ground oriented. The Housing Needs Assessment identifies a need for more affordable family-friendly housing options such as infill duplexes, which can provide 2- and 3-bedroom units as attainable options in proximity to schools and services.