Stay up-to-date with important civic matters through our Maple Ridge Council Meeting Highlights, where we provide comprehensive summaries of key decisions and discussions during our local council meetings. Discover the latest developments shaping our community, including zoning changes, infrastructure projects, and policy updates.
February 2025
February 04
Here’s the highlights from Council’s Tuesday meeting.
Committee of the Whole
Council heard reports and information on the following matters:
- Rezoning at 24340 and 24360 102 Avenue to permit a future subdivision of five lots.
- Rezoning at 20235, 20247 and 20265 Patterson Avenue to allow the future development of 28 townhouse units.
- Development Permit at 22020 119 Avenue for construction of a proposed triplex on the subject property.
- Development Variance Permit at 24689 124 Avenue to vary the maximum depth of the Farm Home Plate and vary the maximum permitted height of the Accessory Building.
- East Albion Land Use & Servicing Review: Follow Up.
- City of Maple Ridge Housing Target Progress Report: July 1 to December 31, 2024.
- Zero Carbon Step Code Implementation.
- Adaptable Housing: An Update on the Adaptable Unit Provisions of the 2024 BC Building Code.
These matters will move forward to an upcoming Regular Council Meeting for consideration.
The full resolution and reports can be found in the agenda at
January 28
Here’s the highlights from Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Council Workshop
- Staff sought Council’s insights on the City’s Major Event Development & Attraction Plan. Council provided direction to guide the implementation plan.
Regular Council Meeting
Council considered the following items:
- Council heard an update from the Ridge Meadows Seniors Society who operate the Maple Ridge Seniors Activity Centre.
- Council repealed the Community Heritage Commission Bylaw which is no longer required following the restructuring of Committees of Council.
- Council granted Third Reading of the Rezoning at 24301 126 Avenue to allow the future subdivision of two residential lots.
- Council referred the Rezoning at 21643 River Road to facilitate the construction of an 8-unit Courtyard Residential development back to staff to look at decreasing the number of units on the site.
- Council granted Third Reading of the Rezoning at 10606 and 10616 Jackson Road to permit a future subdivision of approximately 22 lots.
- Council granted Third Reading of the OCP Amending Bylaw and Rezoning Bylaw at 20565, 20575, and 20583 Battle Avenue to redesignate the subject properties to Single Family and Compact Residential to allow the proposed single detached residential development.
- Council received the ‘Our Neck of the Woods’ event recap as information.
- Council granted the Development Variance Permit and Multi-Family Development Permit at 22075 Lougheed Highway to permit the installation of retractable balcony structures.
- The Silver Valley Trail Improvements Update was received as information.
The full resolution and reports can be found in the agenda at
January 21
Here’s the agenda highlights for Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Council Workshop
Council heard presentations on the following matters:
- Lougheed Transit Corridor Planning Update for Bus Rapid Transit. Council directed staff to proceed with public engagement on the updated concept Lougheed Transit Area Plan, gather feedback from the community and report back to Council.
- 2025 – 2029 Financial Plan Update. Council directed staff to undertake community engagement on the proposed financial plan.
Committee of the Whole
Council heard reports and information on the following matters:
- Development Variance Permit and Multi-Family Development Permit at 22075 Lougheed Highway to permit the installation of retractable balcony structures.
- Staff provided an update on the Silver Valley Trail Improvements.
These matters will move forward to the next Regular Council meeting for consideration.
Public Hearing
Council heard public feedback on the following matter:
- Rezoning at 24301 126 Avenue to allow the future subdivision of two residential lots.
- Rezoning at 21643 River Road to facilitate the construction of an 8-unit Courtyard Residential development.
- Rezoning at 10606 and 10616 Jackson Road to permit a future subdivision of approximately 22 lots.
- Rezoning at 20565, 20575, and 20583 Battle Avenue to redesignate the subject properties to Single Family and Compact Residential to allow the proposed single detached residential development.
These matters will come forward for consideration at a future Council Meeting.
The full resolution and reports can be found in the agenda at
January 14
Here’s the highlights from Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Council Workshop
Council heard a report and recommendations on the Proposed Short-Term Rental Regulations & Next Steps. After reviewing the information and asking questions, Council directed staff to develop the Zoning Amending Bylaws and bring them back to Council for consideration at a future meeting.
Regular Council Meeting
Council considered the following matters:
- Housekeeping Amendments to Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 was adopted.
- Council granted Adoption of the zoning and Issuance of the Development and Development Variance Permits at 21585 River Road to permit the future construction of a courtyard development.
- Council granted Adoption of the zoning, the Housing Agreement, and Issuance of the Development and Development Variance Permits at 12834 232 Street to permit the construction of a three-storey mixed use building.
- Council granted Adoption of the Rezoning of Units 102, 104, 108 and 120 at 22633 Selkirk Avenue to allow Accessory Pharmacy Use in a proposed new medical clinic within the Town Centre Area.
- Council gave First, Second, and Third Reading to Repeal the Community Heritage Bylaw which is no longer required following the restructuring of Committees of Council.
The full resolution and reports can be found in the agenda at
January 07
Here’s the highlights from Council’s Tuesday meeting.
Committee of the Whole
Council heard a report from the Ridge Meadows Chamber of Commerce. The presentation outlined the accomplishments of the Chamber in 2024 and highlights of their 2025 plans. Council thanked the Chambers for their collaboration and commitment to building a strong local economy.
Council heard reports and recommendations on the following matters:
- Development Permit and Development Variance Permits at 21585 River Road to permit the future construction of a courtyard development.
- Development Permit and Development Variance Permits at 12834 232 Street to permit the construction of a three-storey mixed use building.
These items will move forward to the next Council Meeting for consideration.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
December 09 and 10
Here’s the highlights from Council’s Monday and Tuesday meetings.
Monday, December 9. Special Council Meeting
Council’s special Business Planning meeting will cover the following items:
- 2025 – 2029 Financial Plan Update.
- Business Planning Framework.
- Capital Program Overview.
- Operating Budget overview.
- Ongoing decision Packages.
- Engagement Data Summary & next Steps
Council approved the City’s 2025-2029 Capital Plan and 16 one-time priority projects, ensuring timely delivery of key infrastructure and strategic initiatives to support the city’s growth. The operating budget process continues in January. The $67 million 2025 Capital Plan, as part of the City’s $340 million five-year Capital Plan, will fund essential infrastructure projects. In addition, they approved the allocation of $2 million of Growing Community Funds to the Westside Spray Park project. City staff presented a provisional 2025 budget to Council. Staff were directed to work on refining the budget for further consideration by Council in January. This will be followed by community engagement.
Tuesday, December 10. Regular Council Meeting
Mayor Ruimy started the meeting by introducing a ‘year in review’ video, the first of a series that will be released in the coming weeks, highlighting Council’s accomplishments in 2024.
Council then considered the following matters:
- Housekeeping amendments to Zoning Bylaw were given First & Second Reading
- Housing Agreement Bylaw for 12834 232 Street to secure 4 of the 14 proposed apartment units as rental units per the Housing Agreement was given First, Second and Third Reading.
- Rezoning at 12826, 12838, 12841, 12850, and 12862 235A Street to exclude the requirements of the RS-1c zone from the subject properties was adopted.
- Rezoning at 24301 126 Avenue to allow future subdivision of two residential lots was given Second Reading & forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Rezoning at 21643 River Road to facilitate the construction of an 8-unit Courtyard Residential development was given Second Reading & forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Rezoning at 10606 and 10616 Jackson Road to permit a future subdivision of approximately 22 lots was given Second Reading & forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Rezoning at 20565,20575, and 20583 Battle Avenue to permit subdivision of six lots was given Second Reading & forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Rezoning at 10294 240 Street to rezone part of the property to facilitate future construction of a townhouse development of 15 market strata dwelling units was given Third Reading.
- The Council Procedure Bylaw update was adopted.
- The Variance and Development Permit at 12162, 12170, and 12178 Fletcher Street to construct a townhouse development of 15 market strata dwelling units was adopted.
- Lot line adjustment for properties at 27153 108 Avenue and 10915 272 Street will be sent forward to the Agricultural Land Commission with a recommendation for approval.
- Development and Development Variance Permits at 20170 115A Avenue to permit the construction of a two-storey industrial building including office space were approved.
- Variance and Development Permit for 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road to permit the construction of 16 townhouse dwelling units were approved.
- The Proposed Council Committee Structure update was adopted.
- The 2025 Council Meeting Schedule was approved.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
December 03
Here’s the highlights for Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Committee of the Whole
Council heard reports and information on the following matters:
- Rezoning at 10606 and 10616 Jackson Road to permit a future subdivision of approximately 22 lots.
- Rezoning at 20565,20575, and 20583 Battle Avenue to permit subdivision of six lots.
- Rezoning at 12826, 12838, 12841, 12850, and 12862 235A Street to exclude the requirements of the RS-1c zone from the subject properties.
- Variance and Development Permit at 12162, 12170, and 12178 Fletcher Street to construct a townhouse development of 15 market strata dwelling units.
- Variance and Development Permit for 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road to permit the construction of 16 townhouse dwelling units.
- Housekeeping amendments to Zoning Bylaw.
- Proposed Council Committee Structure update.
These items will move forward to an upcoming Council Meeting for consideration.
Public Hearing
Council heard public feedback on the following matter:
- Rezoning at 10294 240 Street to rezone part of the property to facilitate future construction of a townhouse development of 15 market strata dwelling units.
This item will move forward to an upcoming Council Meeting for consideration.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
November 26
Here’s the highlights for Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Council Workshop
Council received an update on the City’s Strategic Plan including proposed amendments to Objectives and Key Results to guide the work plan for City staff. Council provided feedback.
Regular Council Meeting at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers
Council will welcome the following presentations and delegations:
- Home Town Hero Ivy Threatful.
- Delegation by Linda Meyer with a request for public washrooms.
- Introduction to Loki, the PADS accredited facility dog.
Council considered the following matters:
- Rezoning at 11646 and 11648/11652/11654 228 Street to permit the future construction of a townhouse development with 8 market strata dwelling units was given Third Reading.
- Rezoning at 12625 McNutt Road to allow a future subdivision into two single-family lots was given Third Reading.
- Rezoning at 21308 123 Avenue to allow a future two lot subdivision was given Third Reading.
- Temporary Residential Use removal from the Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw was adopted.
- Certified Professional Bylaw Amendment was adopted.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
November 19
Here’s the Meeting highlights for Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Committee of the Whole
Council heard a presentation and information on the following matter:
- Rezoning at 21643 River Road to facilitate the construction of an 8-unit courtyard development. The matter will move forward to a Regular Council meeting for consideration.
Other items may be added to the agenda. Go to the link below for the most up-to-date agenda.
Public Hearing
Council heard public feedback on the following matters:
- Temporary Residential Use removal from the Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw.
- Rezoning at 11646 and 11648/11652/11654 228 Street to permit the future construction of a townhouse development with 8 market strata dwelling units.
- Rezoning at 12625 McNutt Road to allow a future subdivision into two single-family lots.
- Rezoning at 21308 123 Avenue to allow a future two lot subdivision.
They will come forward at an upcoming Regular Council Meeting for consideration.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
November 12
Here’s the highlights from Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Council Workshop at 11:00 am in Council Chambers
Council heard reports and provided feedback on the following matters:
- The 2024 Proposed Housing Action Plan was received as information and Council directed staff to pursue the prioritized housing strategies and initiatives in alignment with the discussion.
- The Proposal to update the current Financial Access Program to be incorporated into Recreation Access Policy No.4.23 to provide the citizens of Maple Ridge the opportunity for affordable and accessible community/social recreation opportunities will come back to Council at a future date for consideration.
- The Proposed updates to the age categories within Parks, Recreation and Culture admissions to better reflect our customers and align with best practices and provincial standards will move forward to an upcoming Council Meeting for consideration.
Regular Council Meeting at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers
Council considered the following matters:
- Rezoning at 10294 240 Street to facilitate future construction of a townhouse development with 15 market strata dwelling units was given Second Reading and will be forwarded to an upcoming Public Hearing.
- Rezoning at 22238 – 22286 Selkirk Avenue and 22245-22289 Lougheed Hwy. The proposed Road Closure Bylaw is to enable the raising of title in order to consolidate the Road to be Closed with the subject properties and accommodate the development of two residential/commercial mixed-use buildings was adopted.
- Council directed staff to bring forward amendments to the Council Procedure Bylaw and Public Question Period Policy to clarify Public Input on Zoning Bylaws to meet the intent of the BC Provincial Bill 44 requirements.
- The CCTV (Video Surveillance) Policy Update was adopted.
- The Council Meeting Policy Update be adopted
- The updated Council Procedure Bylaw was given First, Second and Third Reading as amended and Council directed staff to bring forward and amendment to the Committees of Council Policy for future consideration.
- Council gave First, Second and Third Reading to an update of the Building Amending Bylaw to implement the Certified Professional Program to accelerate the City’s development related approval process.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
November 05
Here’s the highlights for Council’s Tuesday meeting.
Committee of the Whole
with the meeting started with representatives of the Ridge Meadows Recycling Society and Recycle BC providing an update on the recycling collection transition. The speakers reminded citizens that Recycle BC will be doing the curbside pickup in the new year, and the RMRS will continue to operate the Recycling Depot including the supported work program.
Council heard reports and recommendations and were provided with responses to their questions on the following matters. All items were moved forward for consideration at the next Council meeting.:
- Rezoning at 10294 240 Street to facilitate future construction of a townhouse development with 15 market strata dwelling units.
- CCTV (Video Surveillance) Policy Update.
- Public Input on Zoning Bylaws Update.
- Council Procedure Bylaw & Council Meeting Policy Update.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
October 22
Here’s the meeting highlights for Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Council Special Meeting
Council began the Business Planning process with a corporate overview presentation followed by reports from each City department culminating in a presentation on the Q3 Strategic Plan update. Council asked questions to the City’s leadership team to get clarification on work priorities.
Council Workshop
Council was provided with an update on the Climate Action Plan including finding from the Greenhouse Gas Emissions and climate hazard risk analysis. After reviewing the materials Council moved to send it back to staff to provide additional information and revised recommendations.
Council was provided with an overview of the Customer Service Experience Strategy. Council received the report as information.
Regular Council Meeting at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers
The Council Meeting began with a presentation honouring Sgt at Arms Gary Grigg from the Maple Ridge Unit 379 of the ANAF Veterans who has been chosen to represent the Association for a delegation heading to Cyprus in November. That presentation was followed by a delegation and presentation by Casey Hrynkow Shewchuck who spoke on her perspectives on future growth in the City.
Council considered the following matters:
- Rezoning at 24495 110 Avenue to permit a future subdivision of 5 single family lots and park conservation lands was given Third Reading.
- Rezoning at 13285 Balsam Street to facilitate the future construction of a townhouse unit with 42 market strata dwellings was given Third Reading.
- Rezoning at 12336 Laity Street to allow a future two lot subdivision was given Third Reading.
- Rezoning at 11235 243B Street to allow a future subdivision of three residential lots and park conservation lands was given Third Reading.
- Rezoning at 11646, 11648, and 11654 228 Street to facilitate future construction of a townhouse development with 8 strata dwelling units was given Second Reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Rezoning at 12625 McNutt Road to allow future sub-division into two single family lots was given Second Reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Rezoning at 22238, 22286 Selkirk Avenue, 22245, 22289 Lougheed Highway and three unaddressed properties to accommodate the development of two residential/commercial mixed-use buildings was given Third Reading.
- Application for non-adhering residential use to maintain two single family dwellings at 13540 Neaves Road was forwarded to the ALC.
- Development Variance Permit Report to permit future subdivision of 13 residential lots and park conservation for PID 030-539-633 was granted.
- Development Variance Permit at 22611 Dewdney Trunk Road to reduce parking stalls for a proposed Group Child Care Centre at the property was granted.
- Development Variance Permit and Multi-Family Development Report for 11872 Laity Street was granted.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
October 15
Here’s the meeting highlights for Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Committee of the Whole
Council heard reports and recommendations on the following matters and moved them forward to the next Council Meeting:
- Application for non-adhering residential use to maintain two single family dwellings at 13540 Neaves Road.
- Rezoning at 11646, 11648, and 11654 228 Street to facilitate future construction of a townhouse development with 8 strata dwelling units.
- Rezoning at 12625 McNutt Road to allow future sub-division into two single family lots.
- Rezoning at 21308 123 Avenue to allow a future two lot subdivision.
- Development Variance Permit Report to permit future subdivision of 13 residential lots and park conservation for PID 030-539-633.
- Development Variance Permit at 22611 Dewdney Trunk Road to reduce parking stalls for a proposed Group Child Care Centre at the property.
- Development Variance Permit and Multi-Family Development Report for 11872 Laity Street.
Public Hearing
Council heard public feedback the following matters:
- Rezoning at 24495 110 Avenue to permit a future subdivision of 5 single family lots and park conservation lands.
- Rezoning at 13285 Balsam Street to facilitate the future construction of a townhouse unit with 42 market strata dwellings.
- Rezoning at 12336 Laity Street to allow a future two lot subdivision.
- Rezoning at 11235 243B Street to allow a future subdivision of three residential lots and park conservation lands.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
October 08
Council Meeting
Council considered the following matters:
- Council Code of Conduct Amending Bylaw was adopted.
- Financial Plan Amending Bylaw was adopted.
- Rezoning at 24277 112 Avenue was given First, Second and Third Reading.
- Rezoning at 21321 122 Avenue to permit future subdivision into three lots was given First, Second and Third Reading.
- Strata Conversion of a commercial space at 11225 240 Street was carried.
- Development Permit extension for a property at 12061 Laity Street was approved.
- Temporary Residential Use Removal amendment to the Zoning Bylaw was given First & Second Reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Council adopted Proposed Amendments to:
- Proceeds of Sale of Municipal Land Policy.
- Gaming Revenues Policy.
- Staff Expenses Policy.
- Council Expenses Policy.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
October 01
Committee of the Whole
Council heard presentations on the following matters and moved them forward to the next Council Meeting for discussion and consideration:
- Rezoning at 21321 122 Avenue to permit future subdivision into three lots.
- Strata Conversion of a commercial space at 11225 240 Street.
- Development Permit extension for a property at 12061 Laity Street.
- Temporary Residential Use Removal amendment to the Zoning Bylaw.
Proposed Amendments to:
- Proceeds of Sale of Municipal Land Policy
- Gaming Revenues Policy
- Staff Expenses Policy
- Council Expenses Policy
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
September 24
Here’s the meeting highlights for Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Committee of the Whole
Council heard presentations on the following matters and moved them forward to the next Council meeting:
- 2024 Housing Strategy.
- Rezoning at 24495 110 Avenue to permit subdivision of five single-family lots and park conservation lands.
- Rezoning at 11235 243B Street to allow future subdivision of three residential lots and park conservation lands.
- Rezoning at 12336 Laity Street to allow a future two lot subdivision.
- Rezoning at 13285 Balsam Street to facilitate the future construction of a townhouse development with 42 market strata dwelling units.
- Rezoning at 22238, 22286 Selkirk Avenue, 22245, 22289 Lougheed Highway and three unaddressed properties to accommodate the development of two residential/commercial mixed-use buildings.
- 2024 Citizen Survey results presentation.
- Certified Professional Program – For Building Permit Approvals overview.
Council Meeting
Council started the meeting with a number of important presentations:
- A moment honouring Constable Frederick (Rick) O’Brien on the anniversary of his passing in the line of duty. A memorial was unveiled on Friday, September 20 at the Ridge meadows RCMP Detachment.
- Noting that the National Day of Truth & Reconciliation is being held on September 30 and that local ceremonies will be held on September 29 at Memorial Peace Park.
- Recognition of the Our neck of the Woods festival.
- A brief ceremony honouring the accomplishments of hometown athletes at the 2024 Maple Ridge BC Summer Games.
Council then considered the following matters:
- Rezoning at 23613 132 Avenue to permit future construction of 18 townhouses was given Third Reading.
- Housekeeping amendments to Zoning Bylaw 7600-2019 was Adopted.
- Rezoning at 24495 110 Avenue to permit subdivision of five single-family lots and park conservation lands was given Second Reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Rezoning at 12336 Laity Street to allow a future two lot subdivision was given Second Reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Rezoning at 13285 Balsam Street to facilitate the future construction of a townhouse development with 42 market strata dwelling units was given Second Reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Rezoning at 22238, 22286 Selkirk Avenue, 22245, 22289 Lougheed Highway and three unaddressed properties to accommodate the development of two residential/commercial mixed-use buildings was given First, Second and Third Reading.
- 2024 – 2028 Financial Plan Amending Bylaw was given First, Second and Third Reading.
- Development Cost Charges Imposition Amending Bylaw was Adopted.
- Maple Ridge Code of Conduct Amending Bylaw was given First, Second and Third Reading.
- The 2024 Housing Strategy was received for information.
- 2024 Citizen Survey results was received for information.
- Certified Professional Program – For Building Permit Approvals was endorsed and staff will bring forward the Bylaw amendments to formalize the program.
- Fee for Service Agreement – Community Services was approved.
- Fee for Service Agreement – Search & Rescue was approved.
- New Park on Pazarena Place Contingency Increase was approved.
- Procurement Policy Amendment was referred back to staff.
- Council voted to postpone the Notice of Motion until after an independent audit has been received.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
September 10
Here’s the highlights from Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Council heard presentations on the following matters:
- The Housing Objectives and Key Results report was received as information.
- The Development Approval Concierge Service report was received as information.
Public Hearing
Council heard public feedback on a rezoning application for a property located at 23613 132 Avenue to rezone the subject property from RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) to RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential), to permit future construction of 18 townhouses. The matter will be considered at the next Regular Council meeting.
Council Meeting
Council started the meeting with a presentation honouring the accomplishments of hometown athletes and coaches at the 2024 Maple Ridge BC Summer Games.
Council considered the following matters:
- Housekeeping amendments to Zoning Bylaw 7600-2019 were given First and Second Reading.
- Rezoning at 24177 112 Avenue to allow future subdivision for 4 lots and conservation lands was given First, Second and Third Reading.
- Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7803-2021 and Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7812-2021 for properties located at 12297 222 Street and 22175/22185 123 Avenue were adopted.
- Rezoning at 25443 Bosonworth Avenue to permit a future two lot subdivision was adopted.
- Subdivision of land in the Agricultural Land Reserve at 12787 256 Street will be sent to the ALC for consideration.
- Development Permit at 23213 Lougheed Highway was approved.
- 2024 Housing Needs Report update was endorsed by Council.
- Cottonwood Landfill Slope Stability budget and scope of work increase was approved.
- The BC Summer Games Debrief was received as information.
A Notice of Motion has been tabled will be discussed at the upcoming Regular Council Meeting.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
September 3
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meeting.
Committee of the Whole
Council reviewed the following matters and moved them forward to the next Regular Council Meeting:
- Subdivision of land in the Agricultural Land Reserve at 12787 256 Street.
- Rezoning at 24177 112 Avenue to allow future subdivision for 4 lots and conservation lands.
- Housekeeping amendments to Zoning Bylaw 7600-2019.
- Development Permit at 23213 Lougheed Highway.
- 2024 Housing Needs Report update.
- Cottonwood Landfill Slope Stability budget and scope of work increase.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
July 30
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meeting.
Special Council Meeting
Council considered the following matters:
- Rezoning at 12297 222 Street and 22185 123 Avenue to enter into a housing agreement to accommodate the future construction of an eight-storey rental apartment/group childcare building was granted.
- Housing Legislation Amendments – Small Scale Mult Unit Housing were endorsed.
- Latecomer Agreement for a property at 24245 110 Avenue was granted.
- Silver Valley Trails Update was received as information.
- Crown Land Tenure Report. Seeking Council Support was endorsed.
- Waived Parking Fees for the Truth & Reconciliation Event September 29 was granted.
- School District 42 Eligible School Sites Proposal was endorsed.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
July 23
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Council Workshop at 11:00 am in Council Chambers
Council provided the following feedback on these items:
- Maple Ridge Climate Action Plan Update was received for information.
- 2025 Business Planning Guidelines were approved.
- Participatory Budgeting Pilot Project was removed from the annual work plan.
- Town Centre Parking Policies & Rates for City Owned Lots was received for information.
- Union of BC Municipalities Survey: Provincial Consultation on Treaty and Non-Treaty Agreements. Council directed staff to respond to UBCM on behalf of the City with feedback noted in the discussion.
Council Meeting at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers
Council welcomed a delegation from the Ridge Meadows Burrard Lacrosse and congratulated the U11B All Starr Team’s win at the 2024 Jack Crosby Tournament.
Council considered the following matters:
- Rezoning at 23613 132 Avenue to permit the future construction of 18 townhomes was given Second Reading and will be forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Employment Lands: Re-designation of the Yennadon Lands to Industrial (Employment Park category). Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw to implement the Yennadon Lands Concept Plan into the Official Community Plan for a future boutique employment park. These were adopted.
- Demolition Requirement in-Stream Rezoning Applications. Council approved the resolution.
- Variance Permit at 11300 Pazarena Place to increase the fence height for a daycare play area associated with the commercial/residential building nearing completion was granted.
- Urban Forest Management Strategy was endorsed in principle.
- The Patch Brewery Liquor License Lound Endorsement was supported.
- The 2024 Strategic Work Plan Quarterly Report was received for information.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
July 16
Here’s some meeting highlights from Tuesday meetings.
Committee of the Whole at 11:00 am in Council Chambers
Council heard reports and have moved the following matters forward to the next Council meeting for consideration:
- Employment Lands: Re-designation of the Yennadon Lands to Indistrial (Employment Park category). Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw to implement the Yennadon Lands Concept Plan into the Official Community Plan for a future boutique employment park.
- Housing Legislation Amendments – Small Scale Mult Unit Housing.
- Demolition Requirement in-Stream Rezoning Applications.
- Rezoning at 23613 132 Avenue to permit the future construction of 18 townhomes.
- Variance Permit at 11300 Pazarena Place to increase the fence height for a daycare play area associated with the commercial/residential building nearing completion.
- Urban Forest Management Strategy.
- The Patch Brewery Liquor License Lound Endorsement.
Public Hearing at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers
Council heard public feedback the following matter and have moved it forward to the next Council Meeting for consideration:
- Rezoning at 12297 222 Street and 22185 123 Avenue to enter into a housing agreement to accommodate the future construction of an eight-storey rental apartment/group childcare building.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
July 9
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meeting.
Council Meeting
Council congratulated the Ridge Meadows Minor Softball Association’s PRIDE2006B Gold Medal Winners of the Canada Cup International Softball Championships.
Council dealt with the following matters:
- Council Granted First, Second and Third Reading for a Rezoning at 12297 222 Street and 22185 123 Avenue to enter into a housing agreement to accommodate the future construction of an eight-storey rental apartment/group childcare building.
- 2024-2034 Canada Community Building Fund Agreement authorization was granted.
- Council Appointed Councillor Carreras and Mayor Ruimy as the Voting Delegate for the 2024 Municipal Insurance Association of BC Annual General Meeting.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
July 2
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meeting.
Special Council Meeting
Council heard a report on the following matter:
- Rezoning of properties located at 21710, 21728, 21668, and 21698 Lougheed Highway. The report updated Council on changes in proposed density seeking direction on how to proceed with the application based on the revised density and urban design. Council’s decision was to advise the applicant that the current proposal is premature and cannot be supported by Council at this time until additional information and standards are confirmed through the LTCAP public consultation process and BRT design process.
Committee of the Whole
Council heard a report on:
- Rezoning at 12297 222 Street and 22185 123 Avenue to enter into a housing agreement to accommodate the future construction of an eight-storey rental apartment/group childcare building. They moved the matter forward to the next regular Council Meeting.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
June 25
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meeting.
Council Workshop
Council heard reports on the following matters:
- Council asked questions and provided feedback on the Community Engagement Framework Development.
- Energy Specialist Update
Council Meeting at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers
Council heard an update on the Maple Ridge 2024 BC Summer Games.
Council considered the following matters:
- Rezoning at 12297 222 Street and 22185 123 Avenue to accommodate an eight-storey rental apartment building with 106 rental residential units to be used by seniors and persons with various disabilities and a proposed group childcare facility was granted Second Reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Council granted Third Reading & Adoption of Housekeeping to the Zoning Bylaw.
- Housing Legislation Amendments to allow secondary suites or detached additional dwelling units in single family zones, three to six units of small-scale multi-unit housing on single detached or duplex residential lots, depending on proximity to transit stations, and to reduce or eliminate parking requirements in certain areas were Adopted.
- Housing Legislation Amendments to designate prescribed transit-oriented area near transit hubs were Adopted.
- Budget increase for the 123 Avenue roadway and utility improvement projects between Laity and 216 Street was approved.
- 2023 Annual Report and 2023 Statement of Financial Information was received and approved.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
June 18
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meeting.
Committee of the Whole
Council heard reports on the following matters:
- Rezoning at 12297 222 Street and 22185 123 Avenue to accommodate an eight-storey rental apartment building with 106 rental residential units to be used by seniors and persons with various disabilities and a proposed group childcare facility.
- Budget increase for the 123 Avenue roadway and utility improvement projects between Laity and 216 Street.
Both matters were moved forward to the June 25 Council Meeting for consideration.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
June 11
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meeting.
Council Workshop
Council heard reports and provided their feedback on the following matters:
- Financial analysis of housing incentives and how they can be used to inform housing policy development was received as information.
- North East Albion Land Use & Servicing Review engagement options and next steps and moved the alternate recommendation to refer the matter back to staff for additional work.
- Council provided feedback on the 2023 Union of BC Municipalities Ministers Meetings requests that will be submitted by June 21.
Council Meeting
Council heard presentations on these matters:
- Presentation of Certificates & Letters to local BC Winter Games participants.
- Maple Ridge Historical Society
- Delegation from Steve Ranta
Council considered the following matters:
- First, Second and Third Reading was granted for Housing Legislation Amendments to allow secondary suites or detached additional dwelling units in single family zones, three to six units of small-scale multi-unit housing on single detached or duplex residential lots, depending on proximity to transit stations, and to reduce or eliminate parking requirements in certain areas.
- First, Second and Third Reading was granted for Housing Legislation Amendments to designate prescribed transit-oriented area near transit hubs.
- Development Variance Permit at 12390 216 Street to allow for a future two lot subdivision was granted.
- Development and Development Variance Permit extension at 10392 and 10393 240A Street was granted.
- Development Cost Charges Bylaw Update was received for information.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
June 04
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Committee of the Whole
Council heard presentations and asked questions to these organizations:
- Fortis BC.
- BC Hydro.
After hearing reports and providing input, the following matters were moved forward to the next Council meeting for consideration:
- Housing Legislation Amendments to allow secondary suites or detached additional dwelling units in single family zones, three to six units of small-scale multi-unit housing on single detached or duplex residential lots, depending on proximity to transit stations, and to reduce or eliminate parking requirements in certain areas.
- Housing Legislation Amendments to designate prescribed transit-oriented area near transit hubs.
- Development Variance Permit at 12390 216 Street to allow for a future two lot subdivision.
- Development and Development Variance Permit extension at 10392 and 10393 240A Street.
- Development Cost Charges Bylaw Update.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
May 28
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Council heard reports the following matters:
- Staff provided an overview of both the BC Energy Step Code and the Zero carbon Step Code and a proposed implementation pathway. Council directed staff to bring forward an amendment to the Maple Ridge Building Code Bylaw for adoption of the Zero carbon Step Code for all residential buildings to be in effect on July 1, 2025.
- Staff report on an approach and timeline for implementing a Climate Lens Assessment Framework.
- Lumon Window Presentation. Council directed staff to bring back a report on a path to change the regulations to permit the use of these systems.
Council Meeting
Council heard delegations from the following individuals:
- Steve Ranta relating to the Urban Forest Plan.
- James Rowley relating to the proposed recreation facility in Hammond.
Council took the following actions:
- Granted First and Second Reading of the Housekeeping Amendments to the Zoing Bylaw No. 7600-2019.
- Third Reading of the Rezoning at 12050 York Street to allow for the future construction of a duplex.
- Third Reading of the Rezoning at 12035 Glenhurst Street allow for a future subdivision of two lots.
Council heard the following reports and received them for information:
- Seasonal Curbside Patio Program Update.
- Q1 2024 Quarterly Strategic Plan update.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
May 21
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Committee of the Whole
Council was provided with a report on Housekeeping Amendments to the Zoning Bylaw No. 76002019. Council provided feedback on the proposed amendments and moved the matter forward to the next Council meeting for consideration.
Public Hearing
Council heard public feedback on the following files:
- Rezoning at 12050 York Street to allow for the future construction of a duplex.
- Rezoning at 12035 Glenhurst Street allow for a future subdivision of two lots.
These matters will now move forward to the next Council Meeting for consideration.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
May 14
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Council Workshop
Council heard an update, and provided their feedback, on the implementation of the Provincial housing legislation, an overview of the Policy Manual considerations and an outline of timelines associated with implementation. Council directed staff to bring amendments to the Zoning Bylaw to a future Committee of the Whole Meeting. Additional, staff will prepare amendments to the Zoning Bylaw to remove the temporary residential use for consideration by Council.
Council Meeting at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers
Council took the following actions:
- The Maple Ridge Council Code of Conduct Amending Bylaw was adopted.
- The 2023 Consolidated Financial Statements were approved.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
May 07
Here’s some agenda highlights from Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Committee of the Whole at 11:00 am in Council Chambers
Council heard a presentation on the 2023 Consolidated Financial Statements and forwarded them to the next Council Meeting.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda at
April 23
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Council Workshop
Council provided feedback, on the Maple Ridge Housing Strategy – Draft Road Map and approved the Use of Council Chamber Policy as part of their Workshop Meeting.
Council Meeting
Council heard a delegation from the New Westminster & District Labour Council on the 2024 National Day of Mourning.
Council considered the following matters:
- Rezoning Application at 12035 Glenhurst Street to permit the future subdivision of two lots was granted Second Reading and will be forwarded to the next Public Hearing.
- Rezoning Application at 22020 119 Avenue to permit the future construction of a triplex was granted Third Reading.
- Maple Ridge Code of Conduct Amending Bylaw to remove certain duties from the Integrity Commissioner position was given First, Second & Third Reading.
- Development Variance Permit at 11070 Lockwood Street and 25024, 25038 and 24984 112 Avenue to permit the subdivision of approximately 37 single-family lots was adopted.
- Development Variance Permit at 23103 136 Avenue to permit the future subdivision of 20 lots was adopted.
Council Adopted the following Bylaws:
- Maple Ridge 2024-2028 Financial Plan Bylaw.
- Maple Ridge 2024 Property Tax Bylaw.
- Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Amending Bylaw.
Council heard reports on the following matters:
- Green Infrastructure Design Criteria, Guidelines, Performance Measures and Standards development funding was adopted.
- BC Summer Games Update
- HandyDart Service Advocacy Letter Request was endorsed by Council.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda on our meeting portal.
April 16
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Council Committee of the Whole
Council reviewed the following matters and moved them forward to the next Council Meeting fo consideration:
- Development Variance Permit at 11070 Lockwood Street and 25024, 25038 and 24984 112 Avenue to permit the subdivision of approximately 37 single-family lots.
- Development Variance Permit at 23103 136 Avenue to permit the future subdivision of 20 lots.
- Rezoning Application at 12035 Glenhurst Street to permit the future subdivision of two lots.
- Recreation Feasibility Study Engagement Phase 1 Report.
Public Hearing
Council heard public feedback on a Rezoning Application at 22020 119 Avenue to permit the future construction of a triplex. This matter will move forward to the next Council Meeting.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda on our meeting portal.
April 02
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meeting.
Council Committee of the Whole
Council received reports and asked questions on the following matters:
- Rezoning Application at 12050 York Street to allows for the construction of a duplex.
- 2024 – 2028 Financial Plan Engagement Phase 2 Results.
Both items will move forward to the next Council Meeting for consideration.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda on our meeting portal.
March 26
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meeting.
Council Meeting
Council heard a delegation from the Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society (KEEPS) and thanked them for their work in the community.
Council considered the following items:
- Rezoning Application at 11795 and 11839 267 Street to permit the future subdivision of approximately 15 single family lots and redesignation of part of the site as Park was granted Third Reading.
- Zone Amendment Bylaw to permit accessory pharmacy use at units 102, 104, 106 and 116 at 22633 Selkirk Avenue was granted Third Reading.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda on our Council Meeting & Documents page.
March 12
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Council Meeting
Council took the following actions:
- The Delegation of Procurement Authority Bylaw & Procurement Policy was adopted.
- The Growing Community Reserve Fund Bylaw was adopted.
- Housing Agreement for properties located at 22936,22944, 22952, 22964 and 22974 Dewdney Trunk Road was given First, Second and Third Reading.
- Rezoning for a property located at 22020 119 Avenue to permit the future construction of a tri-plex has been forwarded to a Public Hearing.
Public Hearing
Council heard public feedback on the following matters:
- Rezoning Application at 11795 and 11839 267 Street to permit the future subdivision of approximately 15 single family lots and redesignation of par tof the site as Park.
- Zone Amendment Bylaw to permit accessory pharmacy use at units 102, 104, 106 and 116 at 22633 Selkirk Avenue.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda on our Council Meeting & Documents page.
March 05
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Committee of the Whole
Council moved the following matter to the March 26 Council meeting:
- Rezoning application at 22936, 22944, 22952, and 22974 Dewdney Trunk Road to enter into a housing agreement for the subject property to ensure that the dwelling units will be used for rental in perpetuity.
Special Council Workshop
Council heard presentations and provided feedback on the following policy items:
- Orphan Lot Policy.
- Legislative Changes Pertaining to Public Hearings.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda on our Council Meeting & Documents page.
February 27
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Council Workshop
Council heard reports and recommendations presentations on the following items:
- Housing Needs Report Interim Results Presentation
- Urban Forest Management Strategy Update
Council Meeting
Council considered the following items and recommendations:
- Council passed the updated Code of Conduct Bylaw.
- Council passed the Elected Official Oath of Office Bylaw.
- The Council Remuneration Bylaw was passed.
- Council granted Third Reading to:
- Rezoning Application at 11619, 11631 and 11639 Adair Street to permit the construction of three triplexes on three separate lots.
- Rezoning application and Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment at 11405 236 Street to permit the construction of 18 townhouse units on the developable portion of the site and adjust the boundaries and add lands to the Conservation designated area.
- Rezoning Application at 22306 122 Avenue for the construction of a fourplex.
- Council did not grant third reading for the Rezoning at 24070 128 Avenue and 24195 Fern Crescent to facilitate the development of 47 townhouse units along with an adjustment to the OCP.
- Application to subdivide land within the Agricultural land Reserve at 26060 124 Avenue was forwarded to the ALC.
- Council gave Second Reading and will forward the following matters to Public Hearing
- Rezoning Application for Units 102, 104, 106 and 116 at 22633 Selkirk Avenue to allow accessory Pharmacy use in a proposed new medical clinic/pharmacy in Phase 4 of the Brickwater Building.
- Rezoning at 22020 119 Avenue to permit the construction of a triplex.
- Development Variance Permit and Development Permit at 23333 River Road to permit construction of 4 courtyard residential units was granted.
- Award of Contract for a new playground at Maple Ridge Park was granted.
- Council rescinded second and third reading of a Rezoning at 11795 and 11839 267 Street and voted that the application be given second reading as amended and forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Council gave First, Second and Third Reading of the Delegation of Procurement Bylaw.
- Council approved the Grant Application from the 2024 Local Government Development Approval program.
- Council Endorsed the four Lower Mainland Government Association 2024 Policy Resolutions.
- Council gave First, Second and Third reading to the establishment of a Growing Community Reserve Fund
- Council approved two latecomer agreements.
The full reports can be found in the agenda on our Council Meeting & Documents page.
February 20
Here’s some highlights from Council’s Tuesday meetings.
Committee of the Whole
Council reviewed the following items and moved them to the next Council Meeting for final consideration:
- Application to subdivide land within the Agricultural land Reserve at 26060 124 Ave.
- Rezoning Application for Units 102, 104, 106 and 116 at 22633 Selkirk Ave to allow accessory pharmacy use in a proposed new medical clinic/pharmacy in Phase 4 of the Brickwater Building.
- Rezoning at 22020 119 Ave to permit the construction of a triplex.
- Development Variance Permit and Development Permit at 21333 River Rd to permit construction of four courtyard residential units.
- Award of Contract for a new playground at Maple Ridge Park.
Public Hearing
Council heard public feedback on the following matters:
- Rezoning Application at 11619, 11631 & 11639 Adair St to permit the construction of three triplexes on three separate lots.
- Rezoning application and Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment at 11405 236 Street to permit the construction of 18 townhouse units on the developable portion of the site and adjust the boundaries and add lands to the Conservation designated area.
- Rezoning Application at 22306 122 Ave to permit the construction of a fourplex.
- Rezoning Application at 24070 128 Ave and 24195 Fern Crescent to facilitate the development of 47 townhouse units along with an adjustment to the OCP.
The full reports can be found in the agenda on our Council Meeting & Documents page.
February 13
Council held a Special Business Planning Meeting to provide guidance on the development of the 2024-2028 Financial Plan, including the base budget, Strategic Work Plan, proposed capital projects, and service enhancement scenarios. The guidance will provide the details required to draft the Financial Plan Bylaw that will come back before Council later in 2024.
After hearing presentations and asking detailed questions, Council passed the following resolutions:
- THAT Council approve the expenditure of Growing Communities Grant totaling $16,586,000 for projects as listed in Attachment A of the Council report titled “Business Planning 2024-2028” of February 13, 2024.
- THAT Council approve the capital projects listed in Attachment B – 2024-2028 Capital Plan of the Council report titled “Business Planning 2024-2028” of February 13, 2024 and that the financial implications be included in the 2024-2028 Financial Plan.
- THAT Council approve the list of one-time incremental requests in Attachment C – 2024 One-Time Incremental Requests of the Council report titled “Business Planning 2024-2028” of February 13, 2024 providing $20,000 for the Heritage Grant Program and directing staff to hold only one Leadership Summit in 2024 and that the financial implications be included in the 2024-2028 Financial Plan;
- THAT Council direct staff to include Scenario C less Items 9, 10, and 20 of the proposed 2024 Ongoing Incremental Requests in the 2024 – 2028 Financial Plan Bylaw.
The full agenda and reports can be found online in our Council Meeting & Documents page.
February 06
Here’s some agenda highlights from Council’s Tuesday meeting.
Special Council Meeting: Business Planning
Council heard reports and recommendations on:
- The Business Planning Framework
- Financial Overview
- Capital Program Overview
- Strategic Priority Projects & Incremental Requests
- Engagement Data Summary
- Onetime Incremental Requests
Council will consider the components and provide direction on the 2024 – 2028 Financial Plan and 2024 Work Plan at a Special meeting on Tuesday, February 13.
The full reports can be found in the agenda on our Council Meeting & Documents page.
January 30
Here's some agenda highlights from Council's Tuesday meetings.
Council Workshop
Council heard reports and recommendations on the following matters:
- An amendment to the City's Procurement Policy
- Approval for the Fee for Service Agreement with School District 42 related to the Building Safer Communities Fund
Council Meeting
Council welcomed a delegation from the Ridge Meadows Minor Hockey Association's' U-13 A1 Ridge Rustlers who will be heading to Quebec to play in a prestigious tournament in Quebec. Mayor and Council wished them well as they embark on this amazing trip and tournament.
Council considered the following matters and granted:
- First, Second & Third reading of the Maple Ridge Code of Conduct Repeal Bylaw
- Adoption of a Development Variance Permit at 12313 McNutt Road
- First & Second Reading for a Rezoning at 24070 128 Avenue and 24195 Fern Crescent to facilitate the development of 48 townhouse units and forwarding the matter to Public Hearing
- Third Reading for a Rezoning at 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road to permit the subdivision of two single family lots and 16 townhouse unit.
- Approval of two Latecomer Agreements
- Award of Contract for the Abernethy Way Road Improvements from 224 Street east to 230 Street.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda on our Council Meeting & Documents page.
January 23
Here's some highlights from Council's Tuesday meetings.
Committee of the Whole
Council heard a presentation from the local Restorative Justice Program. Council thanked them for their work in the community.
Council heard reports on the following matters and moved them forward to the Council meeting on January 30 for consideration:
- Rezoning at 24070 128 Avenue and 24195 Fern Crescent to facilitate the development of 48 townhouse units
- Rezoning at 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road to permit the subdivision of two single family lots and 16 townhouse unit.
- Development Variance permit at 12313 McNutt Road
- Two Latecomer Agreements
- Award of Contract for the Abernethy Way Road Improvements from 224 Street east to 230 Street.
The Public Hearing Meeting has been cancelled and will be rescheduled into February.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda on our Council Meeting & Documents page.
January 16
Here's some highlights from Council's Tuesday meetings.
Council Workshop
Council reviewed a report on the Short-Term Accommodations public engagement results and directed staff to bring forward a Zone Amending Bylaw to regulate short-term accommodations in dwelling units.
Special Committee of the Whole following Workshop
Council forwarded report recommending an extension of the completion date in a Heritage Revitalization Agreement for the conservation of the Gillespie Residence at 12061 Laity Street to the Council Meeting.
Council Meeting at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers
Council adopted the following items:
- Film Fee Update
- Extension of the completion date in a Heritage Revitalization Agreement for the conservation of the Gillespie Residence at 12061 Laity Street.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda on our Council Meeting & Documents page.
December 12
Here's some highlights from Council's Tuesday meetings.
Council Workshop
Council heard presentations from each City department outlining their core services and achievements in 2023. The City's annual business planning processes will continue in January as Council reviews work plan priorities related to their Strategic Plan and the current Financial Plan targets are updated.
Regular Council Meeting
Council received a project update that the City has awarded the contract for the Recreation Feasibility Study to HCMA Architecture and Design who bring a wealth of experience working on similar projects throughout the region. The first phase of community engagement will begin in January with surveys, targeted engagement meetings, an open house and pop up events intended to get a wide range of feedback to shape the initial report back to Council.
Council's approved items on the Consent Agenda including:
- 2024 Meeting Schedule.
- 2024 Council Appointments to Regional Boards, Advisory committees, Standing & Statutory Committees and Outside Agencies.
- Council Committee & Design Panel Appointments.
Council addressed the following items:
- Adopted the Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Amending Bylaw.
- Rezoning applications for:
- 12209, 12219, 12231, 12241, and 12251 222 Street and 22190 123 Avenue to permit the future construction of two six-storey apartment buildings with a total of 152 units was granted First Reading.
- 11405 236 Street to permit the future construction of 18 townhouse units was granted Second Reading and will be forwarded to Public Hearing.
- 22306 122 Avenue to permit the future construction of a fourplex was granted Second Reading and will be forwarded to Public Hearing.
- 11619, 11631 and 11639 Adair Street to permit the construction of three triplexes on three separate lots was granted Second Reading and will be forwarded to Public Hearing.
- 24070 128 Avenue and 24195 Fern Crescent to facilitate development of 48 townhouse units was referred back to staff.
- Zoning Bylaw Housekeeping Amendments were granted Second Reading and will be forwarded to Public Hearing
- Development Permit and Development Variance Permit for 22313, 22315 and 22321 Selkirk Avenue was granted.
- Film Policy was endorsed and Fee Update was given First, Second & Third Reading.
- Sponsorship, Advertising and Naming Rights Policy was endorsed.
- Temporary Use Permit at 12035 222 Street.
- Rezoning at 13960 232 Street, 13897, 13917, 140 Silver Valley Road and 23348 141 Avenue was adopted.
- Maple Ridge Code of Conduct Bylaw, Elected Officials Oath of Office Bylaw, Maple Ridge Council Remuneration Bylaw were given First, Second and Third Readings.
- Maple Ridge 150 funding request was endorsed.
- Formation of a Subcommittee to the Corporate Governance and Human Resources Committee to make recommendations to Council on intergovernmental resolutions proposed for FCM, LMLGA and UBCM was endorsed.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda here.
December 5
Here's some highlights from Council's Tuesday meetings.
Committee of the Whole at 11:00 am in Council Chambers
Council heard reports on the following matters and moved the items forward to the December 12 Council Meeting for consideration:
- Rezoning at 12209, 12219, 12231, 12241, and 12251 222 Street and 22190 123 Avenue to permit the future construction of two six-storey apartment buildings with a total of 152 units.
- Rezoning at 11405 236 Street to permit the future construction of 18 townhouse units.
- Rezoning at 22306 122 Avenue to permit the future construction of a fourplex.
- Rezoning at 11619, 11631 and 11639 Adair Street to permit the construction of three triplexes on three separate lots.
- Zoning Bylaw Housekeeping Amendments
- Rezoning at 24070 128 Avenue and 24195 Fern Crescent to facilitate development of 48 townhouse units.
- Development Permit & Development Variance Permit for 22313, 22315 and 22321 Selkirk Avenue.
- Film Policy and Fee Update.
- Sponsorship, Advertising & Naming Rights Policy.
Public Hearing at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers
Council heard public input on the following item:
- Temporary Use Permit at 12035 222 Street
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda here.
November 28
Here's some agenda highlights of Council's meetings this week.
Council Workshop
Council endorsed the Agricultural Land Reserve Exclusion Application Process Policy.
Council Meeting
Council heard delegations from:
- Operation Red Nose
- Off Street Parking Bylaw
Council dealt with the following items:
- 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road to rezone the property to permit two single family lots and construction of 16 townhouse units on a third lot to the south was referred back to staff.
- 13287 232 Street to permit future subdivision of two single family lots was granted Third Reading.
- 22534, 22548 and 22556 Royal Crescent to permit the future construction of a six-storey rental apartment to provide 98 dwelling units for low to moderate income seniors was granted Third Reading.
- Adopted the Delegation of Development Agreement Authority Bylaw.
- Granted First, Second and Third Reading of the Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw to increase the affordability of construction, incentivize the construction of detached suites and reduce permit application timelines.
- Granted a Development Variance Permit for 21429 121 Avenue.
- Adopted a Rezoning Application at 24138 Lougheed Highway.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda here.
November 21
Here's some agenda highlights of Council's meetings this week.
Committee of the Whole
Council moved the following items to the November 28 Council Meeting for consideration:
- Development Variance Permit at 21429 121 Avenue.
- Update of the Maple Ridge Subdivision & Development Servicing Bylaw to increase the affordability of construction, incentivize the construction of detached suites and reduce permit application timelines.
Public Hearing at 7:00 pm
Council heard public feedback on the rezoning applications:
- 20535 123 Avenue to permit subdivision into two single family lots.
- 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road to rezone the property to permit two single family lots.
- 13287 232 Street to permit future subdivision of two single family lots.
- 22534, 22548 and 22556 Royal Crescent to permit the future construction of a six-storey rental apartment to provide 98 dwelling units for low to moderate income seniors.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda here.
November 14
Here's some highlights of Council's Tuesday meeting.
Council heard a delegation from the ACT Arts Council at the beginning of the meeting.
Council then granted adoption to the following agenda items:
- Driveway Access License Agreement at 9878 285 Street.
- The Consolidated Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw for recreation service fees.
- The updated Intermunicipal Business Licence Bylaw.
Council reviewed the following items and took the following actions:
- Moved a temporary use permit for a property at 12035 222 Street forward to Public Hearing.
- Granted First Reading for a rezoning application for 11957 and 11965 York Street and 11970 220 Street to permit future construction of a six-storey apartment building with 119 dwelling units.
- Extended the Development Permit and Development Variance Permit for 23532 Larch Avenue.
- Granted First, Second and Third Reading for the Delegation of Development Agreement Authority Bylaw.
Council unanimously supported the following motion:
THAT the Mayor write a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to request that the federal government:
- Recognize the humanitarian crisis unfolding as a result of the current conflict,
- Call for an immediate ceasefire and release of all hostages, and
- Provide leadership in the flow humanitarian aid.
THAT Mayor and Council of the City of Maple Ridge condemn all acts of antisemitism, racism and Islamophobia in our country, which has risen this past month. We call on all levels of government to commit to ensuring our communities are just, safe and welcoming for all; and,
THAT MP Marc Dalton receive a copy of the letter.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda here.
November 7
Here's some highlights of Council's Committee of the Whole meeting.
Council deferred updates to the Public Hearing process which includes modifying criteria for waiving a Public Hearing, increased notification radius, and amendments to the Council Procedures to strengthen the public feedback process w until the BC Government's legislation, relating to some of these proposed process changes, receives Royal Assent.
The following matters were moved forward to the November 14 Council meeting for consideration:
- A temporary use permit for a property at 12035 222 Street
- Rezoning application for 11957 and 11965 York Street and 11970 220 Street to permit future construction of a six-storey apartment building with 119 dwelling units.
- Development Permit and Development Variance Permit for 23532 Larch Avenue.
- Delegation of Development Agreement Authority Bylaw.
- Updates to the Council Code of Conduct, Proposed Amendments to the Council Remuneration Bylaw and Creation of Solemn Oath of Office.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda here.
October 24
Here's some highlights from Council's deliberations on Tuesday.
Council Workshop
Council heard reports and recommendations on the following matters:
- Public Hearing Waiver Procedures Bylaw recommendations.
After reviewing the reports and recommendations, Council endorsed:
- A comprehensive update of the City of Maple Ridge Heritage Plan to guide the community for the next decade.
- The North East Albion Land Use & Servicing Review scoping report
- Seasonal Curbside Patio Program and Guidelines recommendations.
- Community Emergency Preparedness Fund, Maple Ridge Climate-Related Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment funding application.
Special Council Meeting
Council confirmed a Remedial Action Order for 13473 224 Street.
Council Meeting
Council received a delegation from the Ridge Meadows Recycling Society.
Council voted on the following items coming forward from the October 17 Public Hearing:
- Bylaw allowing larger detached garden Suites on residential lots was adopted.
- Rezoning Application for 11926, 11936, 11946, 11956 236 Street and 23638 Dewdney Trunk Road to allow subdivision and construction of a townhouse development with 52 units was given third reading.
- Rezoning Application for 21511 and 21521 Exeter Avenue was given third reading.
- Rezoning Application for 22582, 22588, 22596, 22606 and 22610 121 Avenue to permit the future construction of a five-storey apartment building with 87 units was given third reading.
- Rezoning Application for 20000 Stewart Crescent to facilitate the redevelopment of the site for expansion of the E-One Moli Energy facility was given third reading.
Council considered the following items:
- 2024 – 2027 Permissive Tax Exemptions was adopted.
- Rezoning Application for 20278 and 20292 Patterson Avenue was adopted.
- Consideration of the Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw requiring owners and occupiers of land to provide off-street parking, bicycle and loading spaces was given first reading.
- Council granted First and Second Reading and forwarded the following matters to Public Hearing:
- Rezoning Application for 13287 232 Street.
- Rezoning Application for 22534,22548, and 22556 Royal Crescent to permit the future construction of a six-storey rental apartment building for seniors.
Council granted Second Reading and forwarded the following matters to Public Hearing:
- Rezoning Application for 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road to create two residential lots and a third lot to allow for the development of 16 townhouse units.
- Rezoning application for 20535 123 Avenue.
Council considered the following items:
- Development Permit and Variance Permit for 20278 and 20292 Patterson Avenue for the construction of an 88 unit, four-storey apartment building was granted.
- The Consolidated Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw – Recreation Services Fees was granted first, second and third reading.
- Intermunicipal Business Licence and Intermunicipal Business License Agreement Bylaws to remove Merritt as a participating municipality was granted first, second and third reading.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda here.
October 17
Here's some highlights from Council's Tuesday meetings.
Committee of the Whole
Council heard reports and recommendations on the following matters that will move forward to the October 24 Council meeting:
- Consideration of the Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw requiring owners and occupiers of land to provide off-street parking, bicycle and loading spaces.
- Rezoning Application for 13287 232 Street.
- Rezoning application for 20535 123 Avenue.
- Rezoning Application for 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road to create two residential lots and a third lot to allow for the development of 16 townhouse units.
- Rezoning Application for 22534,22548, and 22556 Royal Crescent to permit the future construction of a six-storey rental apartment building for seniors.
- Development Permit and Variance Permit for 20278 and 20292 Patterson Avenue for the construction of an 88 unit, four-storey apartment building.
Council reviewed recommendations for:
- The Consolidated Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw – Recreation Services Fees.
- Intermunicipal Business Licence and Intermunicipal Business License Agreement Bylaws to remove Merritt as a participating municipality.
Public Hearing
Council heard from the public on the following matters:
- Allowing larger detached garden Suites on residential lots.
- Rezoning Application for 11926, 11936, 11946, 11956 236 Street and 23638 Dewdney Trunk Road to allow subdivision and construction of a townhouse development with 52 units.
- Rezoning Application for 22582, 22588, 22596, 22606 and 22610 121 Avenue to permit the future construction of a five-storey apartment building with 87 units.
- Rezoning Application for 20000 Stewart Crescent to facilitate the redevelopment of the site for expansion of the E-One Moli Energy facility
These items will come forward at the October 24 Council Meeting for consideration.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda here.
October 10
Here's some highlights of Council's work on Tuesday, October 10.
Council was provided with a briefing on the Strategic Plan Implementation Framework. They asked questions and provided feedback on the 'Key Results' and gave unanimous approval which advances the City's financial and work plan development.
Council Meeting
Council heard from a delegation from the CEED Centre Society.
Council considered the following agenda items and took the following actions:
- Third Reading for the 2024 – 2027 Permissive Tax Exemptions.
- Adopted the Heritage Tax Exemption for a property located at 21695 River Road.
- Adopted the Heritage Designation and Tax Exemption for a property located at 23575 124 Avenue.
- Adopted the Delegation Bylaw for Minor Development Variance Permits.
- Adopted the Maple Ridge Freedom of Information & Protection Privacy Bylaw.
Committee Reports & Recommendations
The following items came forward from the October 3 Committee of the Whole Meeting. Council took the following actions:
- The Public Hearing Bylaw Procedures Bylaw that outlines the criteria for waiving a Public Hearing was deferred to a future Workshop Meeting.
- Rezoning application for a property located at 12040 248 Street was given Second Reading and will be forwarded to the next Public Hearing.
- Change of hours for the Ridge Brewing Company was supported and will be forwarded to the Province.
- Street, Driveway Access License Agreement Bylaw for a property located at 9878 285 Street was given First, Second and Third reading.
The full resolutions and reports can be found in the agenda here.
October 3
Here's some highlights from Council's Tuesday meetings;
Committee of the Whole
Council heard recommendations that the following matters and moved them forward to the October 10 Meeting:
- That first, second and third reading be considered for the Public Hearing Bylaw Procedures Bylaw that outlines the criteria for waiving a Public Hearing.
- Rezoning application for 12040 248 Street.
- Change of hours for the Ridge Brewing Company.
- Street, Driveway Access License Agreement Bylaw for 9878 285 Street.
Special Council Meeting
Council unanimously passed a resolution related to the Maple Ridge Moves program. Specifically, to seek Provincial and Federal funding for two new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines to connect Maple Ridge to the Coquitlam and Langley transit hubs. The full resolution can be found here.
September 26
Here's the highlights from Council's September 26 Meeting.
Workshop Meeting
Council heard recommendations on the City's tenant relocation assistance and manufactured home park redevelopment tenant assistance policies. They have asked staff to bring back an updated and detailed tenant protection and relocation policy and program to further support tenants and rental development within Maple Ridge in alignment with the outcomes of the refreshed housing work anticipated for early 2024.
Council Meeting
Council began the meeting with a moment of silence to honour Maple Ridge RCMP Constable Rick O'Brien who lost his life in the line of duty on Friday, September 22. Mayor Ruimy made the following statement:
I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the devastating events of last Friday. It is with a heavy heart that we pay tribute to Constable Rick O'Brien, a brave officer who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty, and to honour the two Ridge Meadows RCMP officers who were wounded while executing a search warrant in Coquitlam. This is a moment that no community ever wishes to face, and my heartfelt condolences go out to Constable O'Brien's family, friends, and members of the RCMP as they grapple with this tragic event. And to the first responders, and neighbouring police agencies, for their assistance and support during this difficult time.
The loss of an officer is a stark reminder of the selflessness and bravery that runs deep in those who choose to protect and serve. Constable O'Brien exemplified the highest ideals of duty, honour, and commitment and his legacy will forever be etched in our city's history, reminding us of the crucial role police officers play in keeping our communities safe.
On Sunday I attended the BC Law Enforcement Memorial in Victoria, honoring 130 Law Enforcement Officers, all of whom, made the ultimate sacrifice while serving the citizens of British Columbia. I am reminded that the safety and security we often take for granted comes at a cost, a cost that officers like Constable O'Brien, pay so that we can live our lives free from harm. It's moments like this, when our community comes together, not just to mourn, but to strengthen our resolve, to support one another, and to honour the memory of those who put their lives on the line in the name of duty.
I would like to ask everyone to please join me in observing a moment of silence in memory of Constable Rick O'Brien and to pay tribute to his dedication to his job and community and remind us that we are strongest when we stand together.
Thank you.
Council granted third reading to the following bylaws:
- 21695 River Road to propose a ten-year heritage tax exemption for the municipal portion of the property tax.
- 23575 124 Avenue to propose a ten-year tax exemption for the municipal portion of the property tax as this is a heritage property.
- 25443 Bosonworth Avenue to permit a future subdivision of two lots with the existing residence remaining.
- 20234 Lorne Avenue to permit construction of a courtyard residential, consisting of a single detached residence and two-unit residence.
- 22108, 22119, 22126, 22154 and 22164 Lougheed Highway to permit the future development of a six-storey, 224-unit, apartment building.
- Delegation for minor development variance permits.
Council considered the following Bylaws:
- Extension of Tax Sale Redemption Period was adopted
- Rezoning application for a property located at 21429 121 Street was granted.
Committee Reports & Recommendations
Council considered the following matters coming forward from the September 12 Committee of the Whole:
- 22582,22588, 22596, 22606, and 22610 121 Avenue be rezoned to permit future construction of a five-storey apartment building with 87 market strata dwelling units was granted second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
- 20000 Stewart Crescent be rezoned to permit the redevelopment of the existing E-One Moli Energy facility to increase the manufacturing capacity of lithium-ion batteries on the subject site was granted second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Variance permit for a property located at 28304 96 Avenue to reduce the western interior side lot setback was granted.
- Council unanimously endorsed, in principle, the Strategic Transportation Plan.
- Permissive Tax Exemptions for 2024 to 2027 were given first, second and third reading.
- Council granted first, second and third reading of the Maple Ridge Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Bylaw no. 7959-2023.
- Council adopted the Policy Governance Framework, Policy No. 3.09, establishing a new guiding framework to ensure that policies are created with a corporate lens to meet strategic goals and are implemented in a consistent manner within the organization.
Council granted the release of a secondary suite covenant for a property located at 20425 Hampton Street.
September 12
Here's some highlights from Council's deliberations on Tuesday, September 12.
Committee of the Whole
Council heard recommendations on the following rezoning applications and moved them forward to the next Council Meeting for consideration of second reading and forwarding to Public Hearing:
- 22582,22588, 22596, 22606, and 22610 121 Avenue be rezoned to permit future construction of a five-storey apartment building with 87 market strata dwelling units.
- 20000 Stewart Crescent be rezoned to permit the redevelopment of the existing E-One Moli Energy facility to increase the manufacturing capacity of lithium-ion batteries on the subject site.
- Council heard reports on the following recommendations and has moved them forward to the next Council meeting for a final vote:
- Variance permit for a property located at 28304 96 Avenue to reduce the western interior side lot setback
- Endorse, in principle, the Strategic Transportation Plan.
- Permissive Tax Exemptions for 2024 to 2027 be given first, second and third reading.
- First, second and third reading of the Maple Ridge Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Bylaw no. 7959-2023.
- Adoption of Policy Governance Framework, Policy No. 3.09, establishing a new guiding framework to ensure that policies are created with a corporate lens to meet strategic goals and implement policies in a consistent manner within the organization.
Public Hearing
Council heard public input on the following rezoning applications:
- 21695 River Road to propose a ten-year tax exemption for the municipal portion of the property tax as this is a heritage property.
- 23575 124 Avenue to propose a ten-year tax exemption for the municipal portion of the property tax as this is a heritage property.
- 25443 Bosonworth Avenue to permit a future subdivision of two lots with the existing residence remaining.
- 20234 Lorne Avenue to permit construction of a courtyard residential, consisting of a single detached residence and two-unit residence.
- 22108, 22119, 22126, 22154 and 22164 Lougheed Highway to permit the future development of a six-storey, 224-unit, apartment building.
These items will come forward for consideration at the next Council meeting on September 26, 2023. View the meeting, agenda and reports here.
September 5
Council has returned from their August break. Here's the highlights from the meetings.
Committee of the Whole
Council moved the following items forward to the evening Council meeting for consideration:
- Grant first and second reading of the Delegation Bylaw to allow the issuance of minor development permit variances to the Director of Planning.
- Give first and second reading to a rezoning Bylaw allowing larger detached garden suites and forward to Public Hearing.
- Forward a non-adhering residential use in the Agricultural Land Reserve for a property located at 22761 132 Avenue to the Agricultural Land Commission for review and consideration.
- Give first reading to the following rezoning applications:
- 12129 Edge Street to permit the construction of a six-storey rental apartment building.
- 12035 Glenhurst Street to permit future subdivision into two lots.
- 13285 Balsam Street to permit the construction of a townhouse with 42 market strata units.
- 11926, 11936, 11946, 11956 236 Street and 23638 Dewdney Trunk Road to permit future subdivision of three residential lots and the future construction of a townhouse development with 52 market strata units.
- 21511 and 21521 Exeter Avenue to permit the subdivision of two lots into three lots.
- Variance permits for;
- 20451 Hampton Street to increase the maximum building height for the principal building.
- 20438 Hampton Street to increase the maximum building height for the principal building.
Council moved a recommendation to give first, second and third reading to a motion to provide an extension of tax sale to provide the property owner additional time to redeem their property from tax sale to the Council Meeting.
Council Meeting
Council took the following actions:
- Granted adoption of the OCP Amendment and rezoning application for properties located at 10470 245B Street and 24589 104 Avenue.
- Granted adoption of the rezoning application for a property located at 25597 130 Avenue.
- Gave first and second reading of the Delegation Bylaw to allow the issuance of minor development permit variances to the Director of Planning.
- Gave first and second reading to a rezoning Bylaw allowing larger detached garden suites be and forward to Public Hearing.
- Forwarded a non-adhering residential use in the Agricultural Land Reserve for a property located at 22761 132 Avenue to the Agricultural Land Commission for review and consideration.
- Gave first reading to the following rezoning applications:
- 12129 Edge Street to permit the construction of a six-storey rental apartment building.
- 12035 Glenhurst Street to permit future subdivision into two lots.
- 13285 Balsam Street to permit the construction of a townhouse with 42 market strata units.
- 11926, 11936, 11946, 11956 236 Street and 23638 Dewdney Trunk Road to permit future subdivision of three residential lots and the future construction of a townhouse development with 52 market strata units.
- 21511 and 21521 Exeter Avenue to permit the subdivision of two lots into three lots was granted second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Issued variance permits for:
- 20451 Hampton Street to increase the maximum building height for the principal building.
- 20438 Hampton Street to increase the maximum building height for the principal building.
- Granted first, second and third reading to a motion to provide an extension of tax sale to provide the property owner additional time to redeem their property from tax sale.
July 25
Council Workshop
Council heard presentations and recommendations on the following agenda items:
- Council heard proposed approaches for the new Off-Street Parking Bylaw and provided feedback. A draft bylaw will come forward in the fall of 2023 reflecting Council's feedback.
- Council endorsed a recommendation that the City make an application to the Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation Housing Accelerator Fund.
Council Meeting
Council heard a presentation from Maple Ridge Rent Bank operated by the Lower Mainland Purpose Society for Youth & Families.
Council considered the following items from the July 18 Public Hearing and granted:
- Third Reading and Final Adoption of a Rezoning for a property located at 28304 96 Avenue to change the existing building use from a place of worship to a single-family dwelling.
- Third Reading for the Rezoning Application and Official Community Plan Amendment for a property located at 24487 112 Avenue to allow the subdivision of the southern portion of the site to 24 lots.
- Third Reading of a Rezoning Application for a property located at 12478 223 Street to permit subdivision into two lots.
- Third Reading of a Rezoning Application for a property located at 12392 Gray Street to permit subdivision into two lots.
- Third Reading for the Rezoning Application and Official Community Plan Amendment for properties located at 11070 Lockwood Street, 24984, 25024 and 25038 112 Avenue to permit development of 37 single family lots and 102 townhouse units.
Committee Reports & Recommendations
Council approved the staff recommendations related to Soil Deposit Permit Applications for the following addresses:
- 11742 260 Street.
- 27102 106 Avenue Rezoning
Council considered Rezoning Applications at the following properties:
- 26635 Dewdney Trunk Road to permit subdivision of three lots and park conservation was given First Reading.
- 22527 Royal Crescent to match the Zoning of the adjacent properties at 22535 Royal Crescent to permit the construction of a six-storey apartment building with 94 units was given First Reading.
- 20235, 20247 and 20265 Patterson Avenue to permit the construction of 28 townhouse units was given First Reading.
- 11822 Glenhurst Street to permit the construction of a duplex was given First Reading.
- 20234 Lorne Avenue to permit construction of a courtyard residential, consisting of a single detached residence and two-unit residence, was given Second Reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
- 22108, 22119, 22126, 22154 and 22164 Lougheed Highway to permit the future development of a six-storey, 224-unit, apartment building was given second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
- A Development Permit and Development Variance Permit was granted for properties located at 12026 Dunbar Street and 22137 Dewdney Trunk Road for the construction of a six-storey mixed use residential and commercial building.
- Requests to provide a sanitary sewer connection at the following locations were approved:
- 14500 Silver Valley Road outside the Urban Containment Boundary.
- 21908 128 Avenue outside the Urban Containment Boundary.
Council approved the following agenda items:
- Contract for the Hammond Multi-Use path.
- The 2023 Fire Protection Master Plan and staff develop the implementation plan for Council's consideration.
- The Maple Ridge Development Procedures Amending Bylaw and the amended Development Information Meeting Policy was adopted.
- 2023 Council Meeting Calendar Update.
- The Remedial Action Order recommendation against the landowner of 13473 224 Street.
- Grant application from the 2023 UBCM Poverty Reduction & Action Grant Stream 2 for $50,000 to support the 'Community Garden(s) from Soil to Table & More' program.
View the meeting, agenda and reports here.
July 18
Committee of the Whole
Council heard presentations on the following agenda items:
A recommendation that Soil Deposit Permit Applications for the following addresses be forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) for review:
- 11742 260 Street.
- 27102 106 Avenue Rezoning
Council reviewed presentations for Rezoning Applications at the following properties:
- 26635 Dewdney Trunk Road to permit subdivision of three lots and park conservation be given First Reading.
- 22527 Royal Crescent to match the Zoning of the adjacent properties at 22535 Royal Crescent to permit the construction of a six-storey apartment building with 94 units be given First Reading.
- 20235, 20247 and 20265 Patterson Avenue to permit the construction of 28 townhouse units be given First Reading.
- 11822 Glenhurst Street to permit the construction of a duplex be given First Reading.
- 20234 Lorne Avenue to permit construction of a courtyard residential, consisting of a single detached residence and two-unit residence, be given Second Reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
- 22108, 22119, 22126, 22154 and 22164 Lougheed Highway to permit the future development of a six-storey, 224-unit, apartment building be given second reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
- A Development Permit and Development Variance Permit be granted for properties located at 12026 Dunbar Street and 22137 Dewdney Trunk Road for the construction of a six-storey mixed use residential and commercial building.
Council heard two requests to provide a sanitary sewer connection at the following locations:
- 14500 Silver Valley Road outside the Urban Containment Boundary.
- 21908 128 Avenue outside the Urban Containment Boundary.
Award of Contract for the Hammond Multi-Use path be approved.
Approval 2023 Fire Protection Master Plan and development of the implementation plan for Council.
All of these items will come forward to the July 25, 2023 Council Meeting for final consideration.
Public Hearing
Council heard feedback on Rezoning Applications for the following properties:
- 28304 96 Avenue to allow the change of use from a place of worship to a single-family dwelling.
- 22487 112 Avenue to allow the subdivision of the southern portion od the site to 24 lots.
- 12478 223 Street to permit subdivision into two lots.
- 12392 Gray Street to permit subdivision into two lots.
- 11070 Lockwood Street, 24984, 25024 and 25038 112 Avenue to permit development of 37 single family lots and 102 townhouse units.
View the meeting, agenda and reports here.
July 11
Workshop Meeting
- Council received an update on the Strategic Transportation Plan.
- Council passed the recommendation to bring forward amendments to the Zoning Bylaw allow larger Detached Garden Suites on Residential Lots.
- Council approved the Financial Plan Amendment to allow contributions for the Building Safer Communities Funding – Safer Maple Ridge program.
Council Meeting
Council considered the following agenda items:
- Council Adopted the Rezoning Application for a property at 20690 Lougheed Highway.
- Council Adopted a Rezoning Application, Housing Agreement & Off-Street Parking Loading Amendment for a property located at 21783 Lougheed Highway.
Committee Reports & Recommendation
Council granted approvals of the following items:
- First Reading of Rezoning Application for properties located at:
- 12336 Laity Street to permit subdivision into two lots.21308 123 Avenue to permit subdivision into two lots.
- 21378 River Road to permit the construction of a triplex.
- Second Reading of a Rezoning Application for a property located at 25443 Bosonworth Avenue to permit the subdivision into two lots and forwarded the application to Public Hearing.
- First & Second Reading of a Heritage Tax Exemption, granted for a period of ten years, for a property located at 21695 River Road, and forwarded the application to Public Hearing.
- First & Second Reading of a Heritage Designation & Tax Exemption, granted for a period of ten years, for a property located at 23575 124 Avenue, and forwarded the application to Public Hearing.
- Development Permit for a property located at 21783 Lougheed Highway to permit the construction of a six-storey multi-use building with 121 rental dwelling units and commercial space.
- Development Permit & Development Variance permit for properties located at 22057 and 22083 Lougheed Highway to permit the construction of a six-storey apartment building with 106 units.
- Development Variance Permit & Commercial Development Permit for a property located at 20690 Lougheed Highway to permit the construction of a two-story commercial building.
- Development Variance Permit for a property located at 20426 Hampton Street to vary the maximum building height.
View the meeting, agenda and reports here.
July 4
- Council heard a presentation from the 'More Than a Roof Housing Society.'
Planning & Development Services
Council heard presentations on the following files. Final consideration will be given at the July 11 Council Meeting:
- First Reading of Rezoning Application for a property located at 12336 Laity Street to permit subdivision into two lots.
- First Reading of a Rezoning Application for a property located at 21308 123 Avenue to permit subdivision into two lots.
- First Reading of a Rezoning Application for a property located at 21378 River Road to permit the construction of a triplex.
- Second Reading of a Rezoning Application for a property located at 25443 Bosonworth Avenue to permit the subdivision into two lots and that the application be forwarded to Public Hearing.
- First & Second Reading of a Heritage Tax Exemption, granted for a period of ten years, for a property located at 21695 River Road, and be forwarded to Public Hearing.
- First & Second Reading of a Heritage Designation & Tax Exemption, granted for a period of ten years, for a property located at 23575 124 Avenue, and be forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Granting of a Development Permit for a property located at 21783 Lougheed Highway to permit the construction of a six-storey multi-use building with 121 rental dwelling units and commercial space.
- Granting of a Development Permit & Development Variance permit for properties located at 22057 and 22083 Lougheed Highway to permit the construction of a six-storey apartment building with 106 units.
- Granting of a Development Variance Permit & Commercial Development Permit for a property located at 20690 Lougheed Highway to permit the construction of a two-story commercial building.
- Granting of a Development Variance Permit for a property located at 20426 Hampton Street to vary the maximum building height.
June 27
- Council heard a delegation presentation by Steve Ranta on the Public Question Period policy.
Council granted Third Reading to the following items from the June 20 Public Hearing:
- Rezoning of a property at 12080 228 Street to permit a future subdivision of three lots and a rear access lane.
- Rezoning of a property located at 12414 216 Street to permit a future subdivision of two lots.
- Rezoning of a property located at 12390 216 Street to permit a future subdivision of two lots.
- Rezoning of properties located at 12211 and 12229 228 Street to allow for the future construction of a 17-unit townhouse development.
- Third Reading and Adoption of an application to permit secondary suites and detached garden suites on the same lot in the Agricultural Land Reserve.
Council considered the following items from the June 20 Committee of the Whole Meeting:
- Rezoning Application for a property located at 11610 Adair Street to permit the future construction of a triplex was granted First Reading.
- Official Community Plan Amendment to support a Rezoning Application for a property located at 24487 112 Avenue to permit the future subdivision of a portion of the site to 24 lots was granted Second Reading and will be forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Official Community Plan Amendment to support a Rezoning Application for properties located at 11070 Lockwood Street, 24984, 25024, and 25038 112 Avenue to permit the future construction of approximately 37 single-family lots and a 102-unit townhouse development was referred back to staff for additional information.
- Rezoning Application for a property located at 12478 223 Street to permit a future subdivision of two lots was granted Second Reading and will be forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Rezoning Application for a property located at 12392 Gray Street to permit a future subdivision of two lots was granted Second Reading and will be forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Award of Contract for a Dewdney Trunk Road Storm Sewer Upgrade and 225 Street & Royal Crescent Sanitary Sewer Upgrade was granted.
- Award of Contract for Tamarack Lane Sanitary Lift Station Replacement was granted.
- Maple Ridge Historical Society Lease and Operating Agreements were granted for a three-year term.
- Approval of the 2022 Annual Report & 2022 Statement of Financial Information was received.
Council considered the following items:
- Council granted First, Second and Third Reading of the Housing Agreement for a property located at 21783 Lougheed Highway.
- Council granted First, Second and Third Reading of the Development Application Review Process Bylaw be brought forward based on recommendations from the June 13 Workshop.
- Rezoning Application for properties located at 22057 and 22083 Lougheed Highway was Adopted.
- Rezoning Ap-plication for properties located at 12026 Dunbar Street and 22137 Dewdney Trunk Road was Adopted.
- Council granted a Temporary Use permit at 24548 Lougheed Highway and an unidentified lot to permit a temporary office and outdoor storage over a portion of the subject site be granted for a period of up to three years.
- Building Safer Communities Fund Contribution Agreement endorsement was granted.
- Council voted to forward two proposed resolutions to the 2023 UBCM Convention relating to Diversion Courts and Treatment on Demand for consideration by the UBCM Resolution Committee.
- Council endorsed the list of proposed meetings with BC Cabinet Ministers and discussion topics for submission to UBCM for the 2023 UBCM Convention.
- Council endorsed a donation to the Maple Ridge Community Foundation to support Fire Victims.
View the meeting, agenda and reports here.
June 20
Committee of the Whole
Council heard presentations and asked questions on the following items:
- Rezoning Application for a property located at 11610 Adair Street to permit the future construction of a triplex be given First Reading.
- Official Community Plan Amendment to support a Rezoning Application for a property located at 24487 112 Avenue to permit the future subdivision of a portion of the site to 24 lots be given Second Reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Official Community Plan Amendment to support a Rezoning Application for properties located at 11070 Lockwood Street, 24984, 25024, and 25038 112 Avenue to permit the future construction of approximately 37 single-family lots and a 102-unit townhouse development be given Second Reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Rezoning Application for a property located at 12478 223 Street to permit a future subdivision of two lots be given Second Reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Rezoning Application for a property located at 12392 Gray Street to permit a future subdivision of two lots be given Second Reading and forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Award of Contract for a Dewdney Trunk Road Storm Sewer Upgrade and 225 Street & Royal Crescent Sanitary Sewer Upgrade.
- Award of Contract for Tamarack lane Sanitary Lift Station Replacement.
- Maple Ridge Historical Society Lease and Operating Agreements.
- Approval of the 2022 Annual Report & 2022 Statement of Financial Information.
These agenda items will come to the June 27 Council Meeting for consideration and final voting.
Public Hearing
Council heard public feedback on the following items:
- Application to permit secondary suites and detached garden suites on the same lot in the Agricultural Land Reserve.
- Temporary Use permit at 24548 Lougheed Highway and an unidentified lot to permit a temporary office and outdoor storage over a portion of the subject site for a period of up to three years.
- Rezoning of a property at 12080 228 Street to permit a future subdivision of three lots and a rear access lane.
- Rezoning of a property located at 12414 216 Street to permit a future subdivision of two lots.
- Rezoning of a property located at 12390 216 Street to permit a future subdivision of two lots.
- Rezoning of properties located at 12211 and 12229 228 Street to allow for the future construction of a 17-unit townhouse development.
The agenda items will come forward to the June 27 Council Meeting for discussion and final voting.
View the meeting, agenda and reports here.
June 13
Fire Protection Master Plan Presentation
Council received a presentation from Ernie Polson, FireWise Consulting Ltd, on their work to assist on the development of the City's new Fire Protection Master Plan. He outlined the work to assess the long term needs for fire protection for the community and shared recommendations to move the work forward. This matter will come back before Council at an upcoming Committee of the Whole meeting.
UBCM Extreme Temperature Risk Mapping, Assessment Planning Program
Council approved an amendment to the City's Financial Plan to support the City's portion of funding for an application for funding from UBCM to support the development of Extreme Temperature Mapping to support the City's Emergency Response to heat events that impact the safety of citizens.
Development Application Review Process
Council was provided with a presentation with recommendations on how the Development Application review process can be streamlined. Council gave First, Second and Third reading to support the recommendation to bring forward Bylaw amendments to support the streamlining of the Development Application Process.
Revision to Single-Family Frontage Requirements for Building Permit Applications
Council reviewed a recommendation to bring forward a Bylaw amendment to revise the Single-Family Frontage Requirements for building permit applications. Council gave First, Second and Third reading to the motion.
UBCM Grant Program: Complete Communities
Council passed a motion directing staff to submit a Complete Communities grant application to UBCM to complete this work.
UBCM Resolutions Review
Council reviewed topic areas for resolutions to the upcoming UBCM conference to agree on resolutions for further development. The final resolutions will come back before Council later in June.
Council Meeting
- Helene Marcoux from the UBC Malcolm Knapp Research Forest provided an update on plans to update the buildings at the gate and develop a welcome and education centre.
- Council adopted the Zoning Amendment for a property located at 21745 River Road to permit the future construction of two lots.
Committee Reports & Recommendations
Council considered the following items:
- Council voted to forward the Non-Adhering Residential Use Application for a property in the Agricultural Land Reserve located at 27098 108 Avenue to the Agricultural Land Commission.
- Council gave First and second Reading for a Rezoning Application for a property located at 28304 96 Avenue to allow the change of use for the existing building from a church to a single-family dwelling. The item will be forwarded to Public Hearing.
- Council voted against moving the Rezoning Application for a property located at 20786 River road to permit the future construction of six dwellings forming a courtyard housing complex to Public Hearing.
- Council granted the Development Variance permit for a property located at 21745 River Road to reduce the minimum lot width.
- Council approved the Award of Contract for Phase 2 of the 2023 Pavement Rehabilitation Program.
May 23
The Council Workshop was cancelled.
Council gave third reading to a bylaw rezoning a property located at 11410 207 Street to permit the development of a fourplex.
Committee Reports & Recommendations
Council gave First Reading for a rezoning application of a property located at 22238 124 Avenue to permit the construction of a townhouse development with 26 strata dwelling units.
Council awarded the contract for the 2023 Pavement Rehabilitation Program, Phase 1, to Jack Cewe Construction Ltd.
View the meeting, agenda and reports here.
May 16
Committee of the Whole 11:00 am
Friends in Need Food Bank shared information on the number of clients that the Food Bank serves and the generous donors who help their neighbours.
Planning Development Engineering Services
Council received information on the following items:
- 22238 124 Avenue application to rezone the property from a single detached residential to medium density townhouse and apartment residential to permit future construction of a townhouse with 26 strata dwelling units. The item was moved forward to the next Council meeting.
- Recommendation to award a contract for the 2023 Pavement rehabilitation program, phase one, to Jack Cewe Construction Ltd. The item was moved forward to the next Council meeting.
Public Hearing 7:00 pm
Council heard public feedback on the following application:
- Rezoning of a property located at 11410 207 Street to allow the future construction of a fourplex.
One item was removed from the Public Hearing Agenda and will come forward again next month, after the appropriate notice.
View the meeting agendas, reports and meeting recordings here.
May 9
The following items were adopted by Council:
- The 2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw
- The 2023-2027 Tax Rate Bylaw
- The Albion and Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking Districts 2023 Tax Rate Bylaws
- The Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Bylaw
- The Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Agreement Bylaw
- 2022 Consolidated Financial Statements
- 2023 – 2026 Council Strategic Plan
- Contract for the re-cabling and server room relocation project at the City's Operation Centre.
Committee Reports Recommendations
Council considered the following applications:
- Council granted First & Second Reading of a Zone Amending Bylaw to permit Secondary Suites & Detached Garden Suites on the same lot in the Agricultural land Reserve and the item will move forward to Public Hearing.
- Council voted to move a Temporary Use Permit application for a portion of 24548 Lougheed Highway and an adjacent unaddressed lot to allow a temporary office and outdoor storage to Public Hearing.
Council considered Zone Amendments for the following applications:
- 12625 McNutt Road to permit subdivision into two single family residential lots. First Reading Granted.
- 12080 228 Street to permit subdivision into three lots and a rear lane access. Second Reading granted and the item will move to Public Hearing.
- 12414 216 Street to permit subdivision into two lots. Second Reading granted and the item will move to Public Hearing.
- 12390 216 Street to permit subdivision into two lots. Second Reading granted and the item will move to Public Hearing.
Council granted Development Variance Permits for the following applications:
- 20523 Lorne Avenue to reduce the minimum right-of-way for the existing standard lane at the rear of the property. 28621 104 Avenue and 10455 287 Street to waive the Schedule A requirements adjacent to the development.
Council considered and defeated a Notice of Motion by Councillor Yousef:
Whereas the City of Maple Ridge recognizes the negative impact of open drug use in municipal parks and public spaces and the effects on the safety of our community, specifically family, youth, and children: Therefore, be it resolved that the City of Maple Ridge enact a prohibition of illicit drug use in all city parks and outdoor gathering places.
View the meeting, agenda and reports here.
May 2
Committee of the Whole 11:00 am
- YMCA Metro Vancouver presented their City Shift Project which aims to make Metro Vancouver a more equitable, prosperous and just region by supporting cities to adopt an equity lens.
- 2024 BC Summer Games Update - Mayor Ruimy announced that Laura Butler and Ernie Daykin have been appointed as the President and Vice President and thanked them for stepping up to leading the Board of Directors.
Planning Development Services
Council received presentations on the following applications:
- Second Reading of a Zone Amending Bylaw to permit Secondary Suites & Detached Garden Suites on the same lot in the Agricultural land Reserve.
- Temporary Use Permit application for a portion of 24548 Lougheed Highway and an adjacent unaddressed lot to allow a temporary office and outdoor storage.
- Zone Amendments for a property located at:
- 12625 McNutt Road to permit subdivision into two single family residential lots.
- 12080 228 Street to permit subdivision into three lots and a rear lane access.
- 12414 216 Street to permit subdivision into two lots.
- 12390 216 Street to permit subdivision into two lots.
- Development Variance Permit for a property(ies) located at:
- 20523 Lorne Avenue to reduce the minimum right-of-way for the existing standard lane at the rear of the property.
- 28621 104 Avenue and 10455 287 Street to waive the Schedule A requirements adjacent to the development.
Council moved all the Planning & Development items forward to the May 9 Regular Council meeting for consideration.
Other Agenda Items
Council received presentations and staff recommendations that the following items be adopted:
- 2022 Consolidated Financial Statements
- Council 2023 – 2026 Strategic Plan.
- An award of contract for the re-cabling and server room relocation project at the City's Operation Centre.
Council moved all the items forward to the May 9 Council Meeting for consideration.
April 25
Mayor Ruimy shared that the City of Maple Ridge will recognize the National Day of Mourning for workers who have lost their lives or been injured in work accidents. City Hall will be lit up orange on Friday, April 28, to mark the day and staff will pause at 11:00 a.m. in honour of the lives lost due to workplace injuries
- The Maple Ridge Historical Society shared an update on the facilities and historical assets they manage and their community outreach work over the last year.
Agenda Items:
- Development Services Function Review presentation by Allan Neilson, Principal of Neilson Strategies. Development Services Function Review Implementation Strategy
- Council passed a motion affirming the process to bring forward resolutions for the Union of BC Municipalities conference later this year.
Council Meeting
- New Westminster & District Labour Council presented on the upcoming Day of Mourning to remember workers who have lost their lives or been injured in work accidents.
- Ridge Meadows Cricket Association provided an update on their work and the growth of the sport in our community.
- Brian Pusic spoke to Council about his concerns on a road connection at 239 Street to Kanaka Way and presented a petition on the matter.
Council considered two applications forwarded from the April 18 Public Hearing:
- Third Reading given to the Rezoning Application for properties located at 10420 and 10456 240 Street and 24027 104 Avenue to permit the future construction of a 64-unit townhouse complex and dedicated conservation area.
- Third Reading given to the Rezoning Application for a property located at 21585 River Road to permit a four-unit courtyard residential complex.
Council considered Planning & Development application files from the April 18 Committee of the Whole:
- First Reading granted for the Rezoning of a property at 11235 243B Street to permit subdivision into three lots.
- Second Reading granted for the Rezoning of two properties located at 12211 and 12229 228 Street to permit a 17-unit townhouse development. The item will move forward to Public Hearing.
- Second Reading granted for the Rezoning of a property located at 11410 207 Street to permit a fourplex. The item will move forward to Public Hearing.
- Development Variance Permit granted to vary the rear-yard and eastern interior setbacks for a property located at 22488 129 Avenue.
First, Second and Third Reading granted o the2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw.
First, Second and Third Reading granted to the 2023-2027 Tax Rate Bylaw.
First, Second and Third Reading granted to the Albion and Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking Districts 2023 Tax Rate Bylaws.
First, Second and Third Reading granted to the Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Agreement Bylaw and Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Bylaw.
Council approved a recommendation that Mayor Ruimy be appointed and am E-Comm Board of Director Designate for the 2023-2024 term.
April 18
Committee of the Whole 11:00 am
Mayor Ruimy started the meeting by making a statement acknowledging National Volunteer Week and thanking all the volunteers who invest their time in making our community great.
Council heard Planning & Development applications presentations for:
- Rezoning of a property at 11235 243B Street to permit subdivision into three lots.
- Rezoning of two properties located at 12211 and 12229 228 Street to permit a 17-unit townhouse development.
- Rezoning of a property located at 11410 207 Street to permit a fourplex.
- Development Variance Permit to vary the rear-yard and eastern interior setbacks for a property located at 22488 129 Avenue.
Council moved all of these items forward to the April 25 Council Meeting.
Council was provided with presentations on the following items:
- 2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw
- 2023-2027 Tax Rate Bylaw
- Albion and Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking Districts 2023 Tax Rate Bylaws
These items were moved forward to the April 25 Council meeting for final discussion and voting.
Presentation - Director of Bylaws and Licensing Services on a recommendation to repeal old Inter Municipal TNS Business License Agreement Bylaws in favour of updated versions. Council moved this forward to the April 25 Council meeting.
Public Hearing 7:00 pm
Council heard public feedback on two applications:
- Rezoning Application for properties located at 10420 and 10456 240 Street and 24027 104 Avenue to permit the future construction of a 64-unit townhouse complex and dedicated conservation area.
- Rezoning Application for a property located at 21585 River Road to permit a four-unit courtyard residential complex.
These items will come forward as part of the April 25 Council meeting.
April 11
Council Workshop 11:00 am Council Chambers
- Coast Mental Health provided Council with an overview of the services they provide their client demographics and the approach that they are taking to service delivery in Maple Ridge.
- Curb-side patio program – Tyler Westover, Director of Economic Development, provided Council with a briefing on the current curbside patio program and feedback from the business community, business advocacy groups and the public on how the impacts of the current program, which rolled out during the pandemic, and the need to look at a longer-term approach to ensure that there are clear guidelines to move forward. Council passed a motion to bring forward recommendations to modernize and streamline the seasonal curb-side patio program with design guidelines for discussion with Council prior to October 31, 2023.
Council Meeting
- The April 11 Council Meeting has been cancelled. Next Regular Council meeting is April 25.
March 28
Council Workshop
Council heard an overview presentation from Coriolis Consulting highlighting high level overview of the residential, commercial and industrial demand in the regional and locally and the potential impacts to local decision making as the City looks at future growth. Council took the opportunity to ask questions to the report authors. See the full report and video of the presentation.
Committee of the Whole
Council received reports and asked questions on rezoning applications at the following locations:
- 12128 228 Street.
- 13243 Balsam Street and 23375 Fern Crescent.
- 22557 Brown Avenue and 12060/12062 Edge Street.
- 21668 and 21698 Lougheed Highway.
Council received a briefing on a recommendation to award a contract for a watermain replacement/upgrade on 203 Street from Lougheed Highway to Thorne Avenue.
Regular Council Meeting
Council unanimously supported a declaration designating March 28 to April 1 as Kraft Hockeyville Week in recognition of Ridge Meadows Minor Hockey Association (RMMHA) and the City owned arena being nominated for the 2023 Kraft Hockeyville Contest. As part of their discussions Council are asking citizens to encourage their friends and families from across the City, province and nation to cast as many ballots as possible at
Mayor Ruimy also unveiled a video that has been created to play at the Friday, March 31 Vancouver Canucks game. The video will be shared on the City's social media channels as part of the week of recognition.
Council will considered two files from the March 21 Public Hearing:
- Council gave Third Reading to rezoning application for a property located at 11980 Glenhurst Street to subdivide into two lots.
- Council gave Third Reading for the rezoning of properties located at 11892, 11886 and 11902 at 232 Street to permit the development of a 47-unit townhouse complex.
Council considered the following applications rezoning applications form the Committee of the Whole Meeting earlier in the day:
- First Reading was given for the rezoning of a property at 12128 228 Street to subdivide to three residential lots.
- First Reading was given for the rezoning of two properties located at 13243 Balsam Street and 23375 Fern Crescent to permit the development of a 95-unit apartment building with ground level commercial space.
- First Reading of a rezoning of properties located at 22557 Brown Avenue and 12060/12062 Edge Street to permit the development of a 53-unit apartment building.
- First Reading of a rezoning of properties located at 21668 and 21698 Lougheed Highway to permit the future development of two high-density mixed-use buildings and a townhouse development.
Council approved the award of contact for a watermain replacement/upgrade on 203 Street from Lougheed Highway to Thorne Avenue.
March 21
On Tuesday, Council held a Public Hearing to hear feedback and two files:
- A rezoning application for a property located at 11980 Glenhurst Street to subdivide into two lots.
- Rezoning of properties located at 11892, 11886 and 11902 at 232 Street to permit the development of a 47-unit townhouse complex.
The Corporate Officer provided information on the number of letters sent out to the immediate neighbourhood for both files and confirmed that the Public Hearing was advertised in the local newspaper, on March 10 and March 17, per the Local Government Act.
The agenda and reports for the meeting, as well as the video recording can be found online here.
March 7
Committee of the Whole
Planning & Development Services
Council reviewed staff presentations and asked questions relating to four rezoning applications:
- Two properties at 224 Brown Avenue and Fraser Street to permit a five storey apartment building with 41 units
- Two properties in the 217 block of Lougheed Highway to permit 10,000 square feet of commercial space and 520 apartment dwelling units.
- A property at 216 Street and River Road to permit a four-unit courtyard development.
- Three properties located at 104 Avenue and 240 Street to permit a 64-unit townhouse complex and dedicate some conservation area.
Council moved these four items to the evening Council meeting for consideration.
Council reviewed the following development permit and development variance permit applications:
- For two properties at 251 Street and 112 Avenue, to facilitate a 28-lot subdivision, to reduce the visual clearance at a lane and to reduce the access and egress driveway distance from the intersection for one lot.
- For a property located on Pine Street for the development of a five storey building with 64 units.
- For a property located at 20581 Maple Crescent to reduce the required parking spaces from six to five and to reduce the front and exterior side setback in order to allow for the construction of a new addition to the existing Treatment Centre.
These development permit and development variance permit applications were moved forward to the evening Council Meeting for consideration.
Council Meeting
Presentations - Alouette River Management Society provided an update on their programs and advocacy in the community.
Planning Development Services
Council considered the following rezoning applications:
- Two properties at 224 Brown Avenue and Fraser Street to permit a five storey apartment building. Council unanimously granted First Reading.
- Two properties at in the 217 block of Lougheed Highway to permit 10,000 square feet of commercial space and 520 apartment dwelling units. Council unanimously granted First Reading.
- A property at 216 Street and River Road to permit a four-unit courtyard development. Council granted unanimous Second Reading and moved this to Public Hearing.
- Three properties located at 104 Avenue and 240 Street to permit a townhouse complex and conservation area. Council granted unanimous Second Reading and moved this to Public Hearing.
Council considered three development variance permit applications brought forward from the Committee of the Whole Meeting:
- For two properties at 251 Street and 112 Avenue. Council approved the Development Variance Permit to reduce the visual clearance at a lane and to reduce the access and egree driveway distance from the intersection
- For a property located on Pine Street. Council approved the Development Permit and the Development Variance Permit to permit a 5-storey apartment building with a reduced road standard along with front and side setbacks
- For a property located at 20581 Maple Crescent, Council approved the Development Variance Permit to reduce the required parking spaces from six to five and to reduce the front and exterior side setback in order to allow for the construction of a new addition to the existing Treatment Centre.
Review the recording of the meeting and full agenda package, with reports.
February 28
2023 Parks, Recreation & Culture Master Plan Final Report: Staff presented the report to Council. Following discussion, Council unanimously endorsed the plan. Staff will bring forward the implementation plan to deliver the facilities and green spaces that our growing community needs to ensure citizens can live healthy lifestyles.
Ridge Meadows RCMP Annual Update: Council was provided with 2022 data and information on the various programs underway.
Bill 26: Local Government Act Updates: Council directed staff to prepare the necessary bylaw and policy amendments to support housing affordability. The changes will modernize, streamline and expedite the processes required to review and approve new housing projects.
Heritage Conservation Grant Pilot Program: Council asked the Community Heritage Commission to revisit the recommendation to add mechanisms to encourage energy upgrades as part of the program.
Regular Council Meeting
Baha'i's of Maple Ridge and the Maple Ridge Cricket Club shared information on their services and activities.
Council considered the following files:
- A rezoning application at 12313 McNutt Road received third reading.
- A rezoning application at 12121 232 Street received third reading.
- The Temporary borrowing bylaw to remove the expiry date of loan authorization bylaws for the Silver Valley Gathering Places, Whonnock lake Canoe Kayak Facility Improvements and Ice Sheet Addition was adopted unanimously.
Planning Development Services
Council considered the following files:
- 20000 Stewart Crescent Rezoning of the site to permit the construction of an industrial building, seven storey office tower and parking structure received first reading.
- 12050 York Street Rezoning to permit the construction of a duplex received first reading.
- 11980 Glenhurst Street Rezoning to create two lots received second reading and will move to Public Hearing.
- 118 Avenue and 232 Street Rezoning of three lots to permit the construction of a 47-unit townhouse complex received second reading and will move to Public Hearing.
- 9480 287 Street Development variance permit to permit the recommissioning of a service station with three commercial retail units was approved.
View full agenda package, reports and video recordings.
February 21
Committee of the Whole
Treecycle Canada made a presentation on how construction wood waste, urban tree removals, metal waste and other products can be removed from the waste stream and recycled responsibly.
Planning Development Services
Staff provided Council with briefings on the following files:
- 20000 Stewart Crescent Rezoning of the site to permit the construction of an industrial building, seven storey office tower and parking structure.
- 12050 York Street Rezoning to permit the construction of a duplex.
- 11980 Glenhurst Street Rezoning to create two lots
- 118 Avenue and 232 Street Rezoning of three lots to permit the construction of a 47-unit townhouse complex.
- 9480 287 Street Development variance permit to permit the recommissioning of a service station with three commercial retail units.
These applications will come before Council as part of their Regular Council Meeting on February 28.
Public Hearing 7:00 pm in Council Chambers
Council heard feedback from the public on two applications:
- A rezoning application at 12313 McNutt Road
- A rezoning application at 12121 232 Street
These files will come back to Council as part of their February 28 meeting.
View the full reports, agenda or watch the recording.
February 14
Yennadon Lands Update- Council was briefed on the proposed M-7 zoning to create employment lands to support the City's local employment growth, economic development and diversification of the tax base. The proposed zone excludes such uses as storage, heavy industrial, warehouse storage or residential. The goal is to have a zone that supports a high ratio of employment to the floor space ratio and respects the surrounding neighbourhood characteristics.
Council unanimously passed the recommendation to move the zoning bylaw forward which will include the opportunity for public input.
Council Meeting
Delegations: Updates were provided by:
- ACT Arts Centre & Arts Council
- Kanaka Education & Environmental Partnership Society (KEEPS)
- Chamber of Commerce serving Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows
Council passed a motion directing staff to explore ways that the City can support the work of the Chamber of Commerce and report back with recommendations as part of business planning in March.
Council adopted housekeeping amendments to the Zoning Bylaw 7600-2019 and the development of a new commercial/residential building on North Avenue at 223 Street.
Committee Reports
Council gave first reading to three applications from the Committee of the Whole:
- Rezoning of a property at 24369 110 Avenue to permit a future subdivision of approximately eight single family lots
- Rezoning of four properties located at 22490, 22504, and 22514 121 Avenue and 12085 Edge Street to permit a six-storey building with 128 units
- Development Variance Permit and Development Permit for three properties, including 22347 117 Avenue and 22349 North Avenue
Council unanimously provided First, Second and Third reading for a Temporary Borrowing Bylaw update to remove the expiry date of loan authorization bylaws for Silver Valley Neighbourhood Gathering Places, Whonnock Lake Canoe & Kayak Facility Improvements, and Ice Sheet Addition.
View the full reports and connect to the video links.
February 7
Delegation: Kristi Lauridsen and students from School District 42, along with Lisa Shepherd, a local resident and Metis artist, presented Council with a piece of art they created to welcome Ukrainian refugees arriving in our community last year. Council members excepted the artwork, praising the students for the beauty of the piece and the message behind it.
Development Applications
Council reviewed three applications and moved the matters forward to the February 14 Council meeting:
- Rezoning of a property at 24369 110 Avenue to permit a future subdivision of approximately eight single family lots
- Rezoning of four properties located at 22490, 22504, and 22514 121 Avenue and 12085 Edge Street to permit a six-storey with 128 units
- Development Variance Permit and Development Permit for three properties, including 22347 117 Avenue and 22349 North Avenue
Temporary Borrowing Bylaw: A recommendation to remove the expiry date of loan authorization bylaws for Silver Valley Neighbourhood Gathering Places, Whonnock Lake Canoe & Kayak Facility Improvements, and Ice Sheet Addition was moved forward to the February 14 meeting.
View the the full reports from this meeting and video archive.
January 31
Workshop Meeting
Citizen Satisfaction Survey: Sentis Research provided Council with an overview on the independent 2022 Citizen Satisfaction Survey results gathered in September and October of 2022. The survey addresses a range of topics and provides a detailed assessment of citizens' attitudes, needs, priorities and satisfaction levels with City services and their quality of life. The survey helps guide the City's strategic planning and in making key decisions. 643 people, randomly selected by mail, completed the survey.
The survey reaffirmed that citizens value the City's natural setting and that residents have higher satisfaction levels with service delivery by the City's first responders, recycling team, City parks and playgrounds and the delivery of water, sewer and storm water management.
The survey showed that homelessness, poverty, crime and traffic congestion were the most pressing concerns for residents similar to communities across the region.
This research will help inform Council as they continue to refine their Strategic Plan. Staff noted that a number of the concerns are being addressed through various initiatives underway.
The full report is available online as part of the agenda package for the Tuesday, January 31 Workshop meeting.
Council Meeting
Emergency Weather Shelter Update: Rob Thiessen provided an update on work that was done to open an Emergency Weather Shelter (EWS) up and running at the end of November and through December. The EWS is now being operated by Coast Mental Health.
Committee Appointments: A number of citizens were appointed to Council advisory committees to bring their expertise and passion to the City's work.
Development Applications: Council gave third Reading for developments at 20556 Dewdney Trunk Road, on St. Anne in the Port Haney neighbourhood, at 20383 Ospring Street and a rezoning to permit a group childcare centre at 20644 Dewdney Trunk Road.
Council gave first reading to three files brought forward from last week's committee of the Whole Meeting and approved the construction of a fence, that was part of the fourth file, based on a request by citizens who live in an development along Lougheed Highway and are impacted by pedestrians and traffic volumes.
Council Meeting Schedule Update: A Council meeting was added on March 7 at 7:00 pm and Business Planning session were moved to March 27 and 29.
View full agenda package, meeting minutes and links to the video presentation here.
January 25
Council Workshop
Council received a briefing on the City's housing policies from Planning Department staff, aimed at providing Council with information that will help them set Strategic priorities for their term. The presentation summarized the more detailed information from a 500-page report that provided a summary compilation of the significant housing policy bodies of work that have been undertaken by the City, including the City's Official Community Plan, the Housing Action Plan and Implementation Framework, and the Housing Needs Assessment & Housing needs Report.
In addition, Council received an overview of the changes to provincial legislation that impact the City's roles and processes in the provision of housing and housing approvals. Council members had a number of questions signaling their desire to review some of the City's policies to address the overall needs for housing and address the supply of housing across the spectrum of needs and housing types.
Council members thanked the staff for the thorough report and noted that this would serve as the foundation for their work to address some urgent housing needs in the community through policy updates. Staff will be bringing back additional information based on Council's questions on this important topic.
Committee of the Whole
Council heard presentations on two rezoning applications and a development variance permit and had a number of questions on each of the files. The applications will come forward for Council review and voting as part of the January 31 Council meeting.
Public Hearing
Council sought public feedback on three applications:
- 22337 St. Anne Avenue. A rezoning application to allow the future construction of a five-storey apartment building with 20 residential units.
- 20644 Dewdney Trunk Road. An application to permit a Group Child Care Centre at the subject property.
- 20383 Ospring Street. An application to permit rezoning to allow a future two lot subdivision.
Thank you to those who took the time to reach out in writing or attend virtually to share their perspectives on these files.
View full agenda package, meeting minutes and links to the video presentation.
January 17
Committee Appointments
Council made the following committee appointments.
Advisory Design Panel: Serving from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024
Lindsey Salter, Architect
Niall McGarvey, Landscape Architect
Community Heritage Commission: Serving from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024
Jared Bissky, Member at Large
Michael Cook, Member at Large
Gladys Hewson, Member at Large, serving to December 31, 2023
Rezoning Applications
Council gave unanimous First Reading to the following applications:
- 22066 and 22076 Lougheed Highway: Proposed apartment development on Lougheed Highway at 220 Street.
- 20565, 20575, and 20583 Battle Avenue: Rezoning of three residential lots to six homes at 205 Street and Battle Avenue.
- 20110 Lougheed Highway: Rezoning the property to support the development of higher density commercial and residential units with buildings of up to six stories.
Staff Reports
Council unanimously approved Second and Third Readings of the City's Development Cost Charges bylaw. The update will be sent to the inspector of Municipalities for review and approval. When the bylaw is approved by the Province it will come back for Final Reading and implementation.
Other Items
Council members provided an update on their visit the Pitt Meadows Airport and the importance of the work by the Airport team to promote economic development for our community.
View full agenda package, meeting minutes and links to the video presentation.
January 10
Presentations - Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Community Services presented their Restorative Justice program which aims to achieve justice by engaging those who are involved in criminal, noncriminal, interpersonal conflict or disputes in an inclusive and meaningful way.
Rezoning Applications – 11783 221 Street and 22066, 22076 Lougheed Hwy Council received a presentation on a rezoning application along the Lougheed Highway at 221 Street to turn three residential lots into an 82-unit apartment building. This project falls under the new Lougheed Transit Corridor Study area as well as the Fraser Escarpment Area, Council approved the staff recommendation that additional information be provided prior to second reading
20110 Lougheed Hwy - Council received an application to rezone the property on Lougheed Highway at 201 Street from the current commercial use to a combination of commercial and residential with buildings of up to six stories. Council approved the staff recommendation that the applicant provide further information.
Both items will come forward as part of the upcoming council Meeting on January 17, 2023.
Council also had an introductory meeting with MLAs Lisa Beare and Bob D'Eith on opportunities for collaboration.
View full agenda package, meeting minutes and links to the video presentation.