The Maple Ridge Public Art Steering Committee welcomes donations and gifts of public art (non-cash items and artwork) from private individuals or groups as per the public art policy adopted in 2011. There is a process and guidelines for the acceptance of donations and gifts of public art into the civic public art collection. These guidelines will help ensure high quality work is added to Maple Ridge's public spaces. Included in the guidelines are procedures for accepting or rejecting proposed donations of art and honorary gifts marking significant events/person in a manner fair to the donor and the public. Donations will be assessed on a case by case basis as each will be unique.
Interested perspective donors, please contact the Manager of Arts, Culture & Events by emailing the manage at or call 604-467-7498 to receive a detailed copy of the guidelines which includes the following:
- Donation Process Steps
- Criteria Guidelines for Reviewing Gifts/Donations
- Quality and Appropriateness
- Site Context Considerations
- Media
- Permanence
- Public Liability
- Duplication
- Technical Review and Additional Information
- Public Consultation Where Required
- Budget and Costs
- Honorary Gifts
- Timeline
- Committee's Recommendation
- De-accessioning
Source: Maple Ridge Public Art Policy adopted 2011 Section IV, paragraph E, page 13
Offers of Public Artwork to the City of Maple Ridge
Individuals, local, national or international organizations, private business, public institutions and other groups, may from time to time, make offers of Artwork of a significant or cultural exchange nature to the City. Such gifts could be existing works, including artworks normally considered to be fine art. Gifts, Donations and Bequests to the City could also be made in the form of portable, non-portable or commissioned works of art. It is the responsibility of the City to establish and manage its own collection in regard to such donated works of art.
Proposed gifts of this type must be considered in a similar manner and with as much care as works accessioned by the City for its own purposes. Generally speaking artwork of a non-significant nature will not be accepted by the City or the MRPASC as neither entity has the capacity to house collections of artwork. Available locations of proposed art donations will be key and the primary consideration for the PASC is in the realm of Public Art, rather than art collection or storage.