Bylaw No. 6704-2009
Please allow 5 to 10 business days for processing.
This permit shall be valid and subsisting from the start and end dates/times listed above and at all times during the currency thereof, shall be subject to cancellation if the holder thereof shall neglect, fail or refuse to observe and to comply with all the requirements of Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic Bylaw No. 6704-2009, and is issued subject to the following conditions:
That the Permittee will deposit with the City of Maple Ridge a sum of $150.00 plus $7.50 GST (Highway Use Permit Fee) with a refundable security deposit based on the extent of the work in cash or cheque, to guarantee the fulfillment by me of the terms and conditions set out herein within the time specified in this permit.
If also applying for a Utility Permit, the following fees will be invoiced to the applicant:
Description, drawings or pertinent information indicating the extent of work or activity within the road right-of-way.
Additional Requirement for Utility Permits (If Applicable):Engineer-stamped drawing for construction within road right-of-way.