Wildfire Protection

Maple Ridge is embedded within the forest (wildland urban interface); approximately 60% of the community is forested. This region of the province is susceptible to both lightning and human caused fires.

The wildland urban interface is the area where flammable forest fuels such as trees, shrubs and branches and improvements, such as houses, sheds and fences come together. Overall, the community could be classified with a fire risk profile described by a low to moderate fire probability and high to extreme consequence based on the values at risk.

B.A. Blackwell and Associates Ltd. were retained to develop a Community Wildfire Protection Plan in consultation with Fire Rescue Service staff and other support staff as required for consideration by Mayor and Council. The project was funded by Maple Ridge and a supplementary grant from the Union of B.C. Municipalities.


The key priorities for wildfire management planning in Maple Ridge were identified as:

  • hazard and risk mapping of Maple Ridge to establish areas of the community that are at greatest risk from fire
  • facilitation of communication and education to local residents, all levels of government and the general public
  • facilitation of a review and amendment of existing and proposed development permits based on the hazard mapping assessment
  • facilitation of revisions to building standards and bylaws
  • identification of potential locations for strategic fuel breaks and forest stand-level fuel reduction both within and outside the community

Forest Fire Danger

Be smart when having campfires or backyard burning and:

  • Do not leave a campfire unattended
  • Have a shovel and a source of water handy at all times
  • Ensure your campfire is fully extinguished when you leave

Fire Danger Ratings

Visit the Wildfire Management Branch of British Columbia's website.

To Report a Wildfire:

Emergency: 911