BC Energy Step Code

The BC Energy Step Code is a standard embedded in the BC Building Code intended to improve energy efficiency in new construction.

Local governments can choose to use it to incentivize or require a level of energy efficiency in new construction that exceed the minimum requirements specified in the BC Building Code.

The Energy Step Code marks a shift from prescriptive energy efficiency requirements to a performance standard. Its tiered performance metrics measure the building's heating needs, mechanical system efficiency and airtightness. In order to comply with the Energy Step Code, builders work with an Energy Advisor to model the design of the home and test the airtightness once it's built.

For Part 9 residential buildings, including single-family homes, row houses and low rise multi-unit buildings, the Energy Step Code has five steps.

The CleanBC strategy released at the end of 2018 reaffirmed the target that by 2032, all new buildings will be built "net zero energy ready", or 80% more efficient than new buildings today.

The Building Code began moving toward this target in 2022. New homes need to perform 20% better than former code requirements. In 2027, they will be 40% more energy efficient.

Energy Step 3 Code Graphic
Energy Step Code Graph
Energy effeciency timeline

Contact Information


General Inquiries

Tel: 604-467-7311
Email: buildingenquiries@mapleridge.ca

Permit Applications

Email: permitapplications@mapleridge.ca

Inspection Requests

See Building Inspections page for options