What happens at the adjudication hearing?

The adjudicator will hear from both the disputant and the Local Government. The adjudicator reviews the evidence submitted by both parties and makes a decision based on the facts of the case. The adjudicator can only make a determination on whether the offence occurred or not. The adjudicator does not have the jurisdiction to cancel the bylaw contravention notice due to personal circumstances, nor can they reduce the fine amount.

If the disputant is unable to attend the hearing on the date and time specified, please contact the Bylaw, Licensing & Community Safety Department at 604-467-7305 fourteen (14) days prior to your hearing date.  Failure to attend the hearing will result in a guilty verdict and a $25.00 administration fee added to the penalty amount.

Show All Answers

1. Why is adjudication used?
2. How can I pay a Bylaw Notice or Municipal Ticket?
3. How do I dispute a Bylaw Notice or Municipal Ticket?
4. What happens at the adjudication hearing?
5. Can I dispute a Bylaw Notice or Municipal Ticket if it paid?
6. What is an adjudication hearing?
7. What happens if I am unable to attend the hearing?
8. Do I need to appear in person for the hearing?
9. Can I appeal the adjudicator’s decision?
10. Can the adjudicator consider my financial situation?
11. What happens if I do not pay the penalty for the violation?