Tax Certificates

Tax Certificates are conveniently available for purchase for conveyancing purposes through:

myLTSA:  If you have an account, log in and from the main menu, select Service Providers and Order Tax Certificates. More information about myLTSA and how to become a customer is available on the LTSA website. Note: This option is best if you often have to order Tax Certificates. 

APIC: If you prefer to pay for the tax certificate by credit card, please go to APIC Canada's website to open an account and order your Tax Certificate. Note: This option is best if you often have to order Tax Certificates.  

City of Maple Ridge: Non-registered owners can purchase tax certificates and pay in person at the Property Tax Department on the main floor of City Hall by debit card, credit card, cash or cheque OR by phone 604-467-7316 (credit card only).