What is the Role of ESS?

When Help is Needed Most

Emergency Support Services (ESS) provides short-term assistance to British Columbians who are forced to leave their homes because of fire, floods, earthquakes or other emergencies. This assistance could include food, lodging, clothing, emotional support and family reunification. The goal of ESS is to help people begin to re-establish themselves as quickly as possible after a disaster.

ESS plays an important role in Emergency Management in BC by:

  • Helping people to remain independent and self-sufficient
  • Helping people meet their basic survival needs during a disaster
  • Reuniting families separated by disaster
  • Providing people affected by disaster with accurate and up-to-date information
  • Helping people re-establish themselves as quickly as possible after a disaster

Did You Know?

Your local ESS team is a group of volunteers just like you. Learn how you can volunteer too.