
Major emergencies or disasters can happen. Being prepared before disaster strikes is the best way to manage an emergency situation. For an aging adult, emergency planning may require some additional thought. The following information will help you start planning for an emergency.

Build a Support Network

Despite your best planning, you might require help from others. Keep an updated list of family and friends who may be able to assist you if required. Know those in your area who could walk to your home in an emergency.

As part of your family emergency plan, you should have contacts both in and out of the city who can help you and your family in an emergency. Include the names, phone numbers and addresses of these people in your phone and Emergency Kit.

Know Your Escape Routes

Familiarize yourself with all escape routes, emergency exits and emergency equipment in your home. If you have mobility concerns, make sure you take appropriate precautions.


85% of Canadians agree that having an emergency plan is important in ensuring their and their family's safety, yet on only 40% have prepared one.
Download: Emergency Preparedness Guide Special Needs

Build an Emergency Kit

During an emergency, responders may be busy assisting those in immediate need. Making a Emergency Kit will enable you to better manage an emergency situation. This kit holds supplies to support you and your family in the event of an emergency. Include any food tailored to dietary restrictions, and make sure that your kit is wheeled and easily accessed.

Include copies of medical records, dentures, spare glasses and related items in your kit.

What Should I Bring With Me in an Evacuation

  • Prescription medication.
  • If you have a cane or walker, bring it with you in an evacuation.
  • Bring your pet with you in an evacuation. Follow this link to make an emergency plan for your pet. Determine in advance who can take care of your pet in the event of an emergency.